Take the knife my bunny and cut your enimies

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TW- sexual acts,Jared, force relationship.

(Seriously if you experience any of this please seek professional help.)

Simpbur pov
I hugged Argbur hopefully he wouldn't go through something like that again.. he was crying little sniffles could be heard and big sobs too..he was in a massive panic and was stressing over what happened..

"Arg you need to calm down." I heard heavy breathing and sobs again..he was trying he was trying so hard and yet couldn't I felt my gut fill
with guilt. He couldn't control what happened and his tears.
"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry.." his words wobbly and high pitched...he was stuttering and unconfident with his speaking..

I walked over to the sofa and put him down I sat beside him...his glasses were coated with tears... I come up with and idea..

I lean down a bit so I'm on my back...I grab Argburs hand and drag him down so he is lying on my chest.. I hear a gasp but soft calm breathing..good he's calm. The low soft breathing told me he's asleep...I felt myself drifting into unconscious...a morning nap will do us both good....soon sleep took over my body..

Jared's pov (dun dun duuun!!)
I'm going to get simpburs Little friend..I've been missing contact lately..but it seems like he can fulfil that...god he's adorable....I wonder if their door is unlocked...I walked over to the door...and pulled the handle down..

I was in...

Oh this is going to be amazing..I can finally have someone to myself..and without Simpbur...he's a freak more then me. But I'm stealing his "friend" just so I can have for myself! I'm going to enjoy it!

I carefully picked him up his head dropping over my arm...his soft curls tipping upside down like his head was doing.

He's so cute..and only I can have him.

I tiptoe out Simpbur's home and lifting the Handle up so it was just the way it was..I put his friend in my car.. I lay him in the back seat..his head tilted towards the seats...god the sun shined on his sharp jawline.

He was admirable..like artwork in a gallery...can't wait for it to be just me and him.
I close the back door and open the drivers door..hopping in and started the engine..lets go to our new home... together.

Time skip.
Argburs pov
I woke up with my head pounding...I wonder where Simpbur is...
"Simpbur? Simpbur?!?!" I went silent and realised I was strapped to a chair.. what the fuck..where is simp why am I here!
"Ah! So your awake?" I looked over at the corner a shadowy figure sitting there watching me struggle...he then revealed himself.
"Hello darling! This is your new home!" He looked proud of his work! He looked insane!
"I am not living here with you, you monster!" He gave me a death glare...shit. I fucked up there.
"Well I'll force you to." I felt a cold tingle go down my spine what the fuck! He was forcing me! And just that sentence alone could affect me!
"Force me?! You can't force me!" I heard him chuckle a deep chuckle..it terrified me and I had goosebumps..shit what is he going to say.
"I can if simpbur's life is on the line." Fuck...not simpbur not my pride and joy not my comfort place!!! I'm going to regret this...
"Fine...I'll stay here..." he unstrapped me from the chair..I felt disgusting...

Time skip
Simpburs pov
I woke up from my sleep I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes. My neck was killing I mean I just slept on the sofa..I pushed that aside and lifted up and prompted myself on my elbows. That was odd...

Simpbur x argbur//where warmth and cold collide//Where stories live. Discover now