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373 16 10

————————————📍 1992

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📍 1992

LIGHT STEPS WERE taken as a young girl made her way out of the woods. She wore a slightly ripped hospital gown and had a buzzed down to the scalp head. She was barefoot, and a little dirty from being out and walking on the woods for such a long time.

She stopped and stared at a building in front of her. The sign had a woman with a pointy hat, brewing something inside a medium-sized round bowl with a little crack that read, The Leaky Cauldron.

Hesitating for a moment, she took a step back, perking behind a tree and watching as a man walked out with a black plastic bag of trash from the building. The girl sighed and took a few steps forward, walking into the run-down, was dark and shabby building.


SHE OPENED THE door and looked up and around at everything inside. The girl walked into the building and inside, she could see a large wooden table a bunch of pictures in different sized frames, and a stairway that lead up to rooms where people would stay.

The girl's eyes widened at the site of a floating teakettle pouring tea by itself into a man's cup. She hid behind a wall and perked up as the same man from outside gave the man with tea a plate of food.

"And one more," The man sighed as she put his hand on his hips.

She walked into the kitchen and looked at all the utensils and ovens. Soon something caught the girl's eyes and she stepped deeper into the room. It was a black basket with something warm inside. She picked it up and took a bite of it.

Instantly enjoying it she ate the rest and picked up a handful and started eating quickly. Just as she thought she was in the clear, a man's voice yelled, "Hey!"

The girl looked up and to see a man from outside looking at her with a stern expression, one she had seen too many times. She quickly grabbed the basket and bolted to find the door.

"Come here!" The man shouted again before starting to chase after her.

She ran out the back room and found where she came in. She was almost out before the man quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and climbed her to the wall behind them. The girl tried struggling, but it was useless.

"You think you can steal from me, boy?" He asked angrily making the girl in his hands pant, looking up and down at him in fear. The anger quickly melted away from his face as he came to a realization.

"Bloody hell."


NOW THAT THE place was quiet, the girl sat down at the large wooden table in the now empty restaurant. Once Frank let go of the shaken up girl, he cleared out the restaurant so she wouldn't get scared and run away. After he seated her, she watched as he left the room to go the back room and was now out of sight.

The only thing coming from the room was a few sizzling noises here and there. Soon enough Benny came back with a bowl of pea soup.

She dug in right away, even though this place gave her a bad feeling. A feeling like she shouldn't be there.

"Geez," Frank hummed, observing how the girl had already eaten half of the soup. "Your parents forget to feed you."

No answer. She only looked up for a second, but then picked up her spoon once again and went back to eating. He frowned in confusion, thinking of things that brought her here. Was she a Muggle? If so, how'd she get here?

"That why you ran away?"

Still nothing.

"They, uh.." he thought for a second before asking the loaded question. "They hurt you?"

She finally looked up, placing her spoon back in the bowl. Hurt. That word was one she knew well. When she pointed to her head during an experiment when she was tiresome or there was a bloody mark on her arm.

"Alright," He sighed, taking the bowl away from her. "I'll give this back, all right? And you can have as much as you want. All right? Maybe even some Butter Bear. But you gotta answer a few of my questions first, all right? We got a deal?"

She nodded.

"All right, let's start with the easy stuff. All right?"

He held out his hand over to the girl. "My name's Frank. Frank Lightwood."

She stared at the man, unsure of what to do. "Nice to meet you, yer'?"

She then took his hand and he shook it lightly before turning it around, revealing the number '012' tattooed on her wrist. The girl gasped and quickly pulled it away.

"Twelve?" He questioned. "What's it mean?"

After getting no response, he pushed a little more. "What's it mean?"


"Well, bloody hell," Frank sighed. "She speaks. "No?" No, what?"

He clicked his tongue and took the book. "All right. I guess no more food, then."

"Twelve." She spoke up once again.

Frank turned back, placing the bowl down on the table. "Yeah. What's it mean?"

Twelve pointed to herself in order to communicate before saying, "Twelve."

He nodded and passed over what was left of the soup. "All right, then."

She dug in making him chuckle. "Take it easy, take it easy."

He then walked back to the kitchen and told another employee that she might be a Muggle, but didn't know how she found this place. Maybe half-blood, but she looked like she had never seen a flying teakettle in her lifetime. The other man went to get help.

Hello! This was just an idea I had where the reader was like eleven from stranger things but just a different number / universe!

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Hello! This was just an idea I had where the reader was like eleven from stranger things but just a different number / universe!

Also, sorry this chapter isn't the best! Others will be better!

- see you soon, meg !

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