ೃ⁀➷xiv. ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ sᴘɪᴅᴇʀs

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AFTER LISTENING in on Fudge, Dumbledore, Lucius and Hagrid, the trio headed out Hagrid's hut. Harry took Fang out with them and they shut the door behind them.

The trio watched as spiders crawled down from the wall. Ron looked at them wide-eyed, seeing them head into the Dark. Harry, Ron and Hermione had explained to ( Y/N ) that the Dark Forest was supposed to be dangerous, and it's off limits to students.

"Come on," Harry said, holding up the lantern with Fang besides him.

Ron shivered. "What?"

"You heard what Hagrid said," Harry replied. "Follow the spiders."

"They're heading to the Dark Forest," Ron whined.

Harry shrugged and the three started heading into the forest.

"Why spiders? Why couldn't it be, 'Follow the butterflies'?" Ron questioned.

( Y/N ) frowned in confusion. "Butterflies?"

"Oh, bloody hell."


WIND whistled in the distance as the trio got further into the Dark Forest. They followed the spiders, and heard a loud noise once they got further, which turned out to be Ron's flying car. It was hiding in the woods the entire time, and it had gotten... a little wild.

It got darker, and the spiders led them to a tunnel that lead them somewhere, Ron and ( Y/N ) weren't gonna like. Ron guessed it was either gonna be more spiders, and ( Y/N ) guessed it was somewhere small or where the lab people were waiting for her. The theory that turned out to be right, was the spider one.

They stopped at a den of some sort, full of webs and large trees. Branches snapped in the distance as something started crawling towards them.

"Hagrid? Is that you?" A deep voice spoke up.

"We're friends of Hagrid's," Harry replied.

A large spider appeared from behind the tree and Ron whimpered. ( Y/N ) gasped at the sight of it, never seeing something so big like that before. Fang started barking as it made its way through the webs on the ground with its large legs.

"You're Aragog, aren't you?" Harry inquired.

"Yes,' Aragog breathed out. "Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before."

"He's in trouble,"

"Bad men," ( Y/N ) spoke up.

Harry nodded. "Up at the school, there have been attacks. They think it's Hagrid. They think he opened the Chamber of Secrets."

"That's a lie!" Aragog spat.

"Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets,"

"Then you're not the monster?"

Ron tugged on the sleeve of ( Y/N )'s Gryffindor sweater. She looked up and went eye wide, seeing spiders, thousands of them, crawl down from webs and no longer focusing on Aragog.

"Harry!" Ron breathed out.


Ron whimpered and pointed up.

"Well, thank you," Harry cleared his throat. "We'll just go."

"Go?" Aragog moved closer. "I think not. My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command, but I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst."

"Goodbye, friend of Hagrid."

"Can we panic now?"

A spider came behind them and Harry, large ones and small ones. The trio looked around with panicked eyes and Harry threw a lantern at one, but it wasn't enough for all of them.

"Know any spells?"

"One, but it's not powerful enough for all of them," The trio put their backs together, looking around at all the spiders in fear.

"Where's Hermione when you need her?" Ron whined.

( Y/N ) stepped away an inch, glaring at the spiders. Ron and Harry watched as a few of them flew back into the trees. ( Y/N ) felt like she was gonna fall over, her nose was bleeding and you could see some veins after using some strength. Harry caught her, and Ron helped her stand up.

"( Y/N )?" Harry called.

She looked up, exhausted. The trio snapped their heads in the direction of a bright light, thankfully it was Ron's car coming to the rescue. Ron and Harry helped ( Y/N ) run over and they got inside. Harry had to use a spell on one of the spiders so they could get in.

Hello! Sorry I'm late, but I was feeling lazy and I'm busy! Also, sorry this isn't one of my best chapters but I'll try to keep updating and stuff

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Hello! Sorry I'm late, but I was feeling lazy and I'm busy! Also, sorry this isn't one of my best chapters but I'll try to keep updating and stuff.

- see you soon, meg

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