ೃ⁀➷iv. ɪɴ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ

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"THIS IS MENTAL," Ron sighed as him, Harry and Hermione began to talk about the situation. Hermione and Harry were thinking of a new plan on who to get help from, while Ron just wanted her out of there faster than you can say Quidditch.

"At least she can talk," Harry defended.

"She said "no" and "yes"," Ron shook his head. "Hedwig says more."

"And, she tried to get naked," Ron continued, and copied her position from earlier.

Twelve was finishing in the bathroom, so Hermione and Harry were glad she wasn't hearing anything that Ron was saying about her.

"I bet she escaped from Azkaban," He went on, coming up with different theorize about the strange girl, and explaining to Harry about Azkaban. They were thinking about telling Dumbledore, but the trio imagined all the trouble they could get in for bringing a Muggle into the school.

"All right," Harry continued. "Here's the plan; she stays here tonight, and disguise herself as a Gryffindor student tomorrow-"

"You're letting a Muggle-!"

"Just listen!" Harry cut him off. "In the morning, we sneak her to Hagrid's hut and knock on the door. Hagrid will answer and know exactly who to owl. He'll send her back to the Azkaban or wherever she's from, and we'll be in the clear."

Ron was a little wary about the plan, but knew Hagrid was the perfect half-giant to go to for this type of situation. Harry had been busy fixing up a little place for their new friend to sleep. Hermione and Ron argued a little by the door that lead out to the halls while waiting for Harry to finish.

The girl was now in a long-sleeved, blue shirt and gray sweatpants with socks on her feet. Harry handed her a pillow he got from Hermione and she placed it aside.

"Ron, she's not like Sirius Black," Hermione groaned.

Ron shrugged. "Wouldn't want her in my lavatory."

Hermione sighed and the two left her and Harry in the lavatory. Harry apologized about the floor being a little cold, but she only shrugged. To her, this was better than being stuck in a room with no window and a security camera watching to see if you do anything.

"Hey, um, I never asked for your name," Harry sat in a kneeling position in front of her. Twelve hesitated for a moment, but then slowly lifted up her sleeve to reveal 012.

"Whoa, is that real-" She quickly pulled away. "Sorry. I've just never seen a kid with a tattoo before."

"What's it mean? Twelve?" Harry questioned.

Twelve pointed to herself, just like she did with Frank back at the Leaky Cauldron to communicate with him.

"That's your name," He got a nod from her. "Twelve, okay. Well, my name's Harry, those two you just met were Hermione and Ronald, we call him Ron for short."

"Maybe we can call you ( Y/N ). Short for Twelve."

Twelve thought for a moment, but then nodded in approval. A small smile formed on her features, as well as Harry's, both locking eyes for a moment.

"Um, well, okay," Harry shook it off. "Night, ( Y/N )."

He stood up and headed towards the door and heard ( Y/N ) say, "Night, Harry."


STUDENTS GATHERED IN the greenhouse for Herbology. ( Y/N ) was now in a blonde wig, a long bronze jacket and gloves she got from the help of Hermione. After changing, they lead her to the greenhouse where she stood besides Hermione and Harry stood besides Ron.

Ever since she got here it felt like she was in another universe. There were flying teakettles, owls sending paper to the kids and cars that fly on their own. ( Y/N ) didn't know what she was going to do after Hogwarts, but she was sure Harry, Hermione and Ron had a plan.

Once Professor Sprout walked into the room, the students chattering quieted down. She had the same long bronze colored jacket, gloves and was wearing a pointy hat.

Professor Sprout tapped on the pot. "Good morning, everyone."

"Good morning, Professor Sprout," The students replied.

"Welcome to Three, second years," Sprout greeted. "Now, gather around, everyone. Today we're going to re-pot Mandrakes."

She grabbed a large pot that had a tree like plant inside of it from the back and walked back towards the class to continue the instructions.

"Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" Sprout questioned.

Hermione, of course, was the first to stick her arm up in the air. "Yes, Miss Granger?"

Hermione sighed. "Mandrake, or Mandragora is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state."

Professor Sprout nodded as Hermione continued.

"It's also quite dangerous," Hermione added. "The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it."

"Excellent. Ten points to Gryffindor," Sprout smiled. "Ten points to Gryffindor."

"Now, as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings their cries won't kill you yet, but they could knock you out for several hours which is why I've given each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection," Sprout explained.

( Y/N ) looked down for hers, but Hermione then spotted with an extra one for her in her right hand. ( Y/N ) smiled as Hermione gave it to her and they both placed theirs on.

"You grasps your Mandrake firmly," She held a tight grip onto the top part of the Mandrake. "You pull it sharply up out of the pot..."

The Mandrake made a loud squealing noise, and everyone covered their ears, including ( Y/N ). She then placed it back into the pot and began throwing some dirt into it. The noise got louder, and made a boy with dark hair who was besides Ron faint.

"Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs," Professor Sprout sighed.

Another boy looked down. "No, ma'am, he's just fainted."

"Yes, well, just leave him there," The Professor shrugged. "Right, on we go. Plenty of pots to go around. Grasp your Mandrake... and pull it up!"

Everyone pulled their Mandrake's up in synch and the noise got louder. A blonde kid tried tickling it, but his finger got stuck in its mouth and he had to pull it away. The blonde threw it back down with a frown on his face.

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