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Raina sat in a chair, her gaze fixed on her grandmother, grandfather, and her son, who made soft noises while his little arms twitched. He stared wide-eyed at his great grandfather.

"The King has been sending letters non-stop," her grandmother informed her. Raina nodded, realizing that only her grandparents and brothers had met the boy. Her brothers had set off on a journey about a week after they received the news.

"Take your time, Raina. We won't rush you. Whenever you feel ready to travel, we can go," her grandmother assured her. "But I sense the King's impatience. It has been almost three moons."

"I understand," Raina sighed, reclining in her seat. The truth was, she didn't want to go to King's Landing, not because of her grandfather, but because of Aegon. "Tomorrow, we'll go tomorrow," she declared, and her grandparents nodded in agreement.

"Is the father in King's Landing?" her grandfather inquired. Raina nodded, and her grandfather muttered under his breath, "If I could have the man's head..."

"The Queen would be furious," Reina replied casually, her gaze fixed on the window.

"What does this matter have to do with the Queen?" her grandmother asked, studying Raina intently.

"As much as she dislikes him or pretends to, she wouldn't simply let you have her son," Raina explained, looking directly at them.

"Oh, dear Gods, Raina, are you telling me that...?" Her grandmother trailed off, seeking confirmation from Raina. And Did she already suspect who it was

"Aegon is the father," Raina finally admitted, not only to her grandparents but also to herself. When she had shared her story with them, she had intentionally omitted his name. They had been upset about that, but she simply didn't want to deal with the added complications on top of everything else.

Raina gently took Wyrion from her grandfather's arms, noting that he needed rest. "We'll need some rest," she murmured, before walking out and making her way towards her chambers.

The next morning arrived swiftly, and they all prepared for their journey. Raina held Wyrion in her arms as they set off across the water, her eyes tracing the graceful flight of her three dragons in the sky. She couldn't wait to ride them again; it had been far too long. Despite spending every possible day with them since her son's birth, she hadn't been able to ride them during the pregnancy.

The journey from Driftmark to King's Landing lasted about ten days, and upon their arrival, they were greeted by guards who escorted them directly to the castle.

Reina clutched her son tightly as they walked down the halls of the Red Keep, heading towards the throne room. Raina couldn't deny the pounding of her heart; she knew her grandfather would be furious, likely even angrier than before.

As Raina entered the throne room, she observed her grandfather seated upon the Iron Throne. Her gaze shifted to the queen and then to her uncles, causing her to pause in the middle of the room.

"Granddaughter," he greeted her. Raina swallowed, sensing the weight behind his words. He had never addressed her in such a manner before.

"Grandfather," Raina replied, her eyes fixed on him. He motioned for her to approach with a wave of his hand, and she obediently made her way towards him. Without wasting any time, she placed Wyrion in his arms.

Raina took a step back, observing as her grandfather gazed at the baby. A wave of relief washed over her as a smile formed on his lips, and he gently planted a kiss on Wyrion's head.

"I hereby declare you... Wyrion Velaryon, a Prince of the Seven Kingdoms," her grandfather declared aloud. Raina stepped aside, stunned by his words. "By the authority vested in me as king, I command you all to kneel before the newly anointed prince and pay homage to his station."

Everyone in the room bent a knee before rising once more, their respect shown. Her grandfather then handed her the baby back into her arms.

"Behold the glory of our kingdom! Today, we gather not only to celebrate the birth of a new prince but also to honor the illustrious Princess Raina, whose grace and wisdom will guide our realm. Through the blood that flows in her veins, her son is blessed and anointed as a prince, carrying the legacy of his mother's strength. Let us kneel before this extraordinary family, for they embody the very essence of our nation's greatness. May their reign be marked by prosperity, unity, and the blessings of the gods!"

Once again, everyone fell to their knees. Raina's eyes shifted to Otto, who slowly followed suit, bending down on one knee. The corner of Raina's lip curled up slightly as she surveyed the room. In that moment, she felt the fire within her burn stronger and brighter than ever before. She desired this, not just for herself but for her children as well. She realized that she would do anything to secure their future.

She yearned to sit upon the throne, not just for her own sake but, above all, for the sake of her children.

And now, she was prepared to do whatever it took to make that a reality.

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