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Content Warning: This chapter contains explicit adult content, including sexual scenes. Reader discretion is advised.

"Where have you been, Mama?" Wyrion asked, looking at Raina, who gave him a gentle smile.

"Nowhere, my big dragon," Raina said, moving his hair behind his ear and lightly touching his face.

"Father said you would be sad," Wyrion said, looking down. "He said Uncle Luke went to where Grandfather is, and we can't see him anymore." Raina rubbed her lips together, contemplating her response.

"But Mum's okay now, right!?" Aerion said, dropping the toy in his hand and moving towards them, climbing onto Raina's lap.

"Yes, my little dragon. I'm okay now," Raina said, kissing his head. "Look, my baby dragon, Uncle Luke is with Grandfather now, and your father is right. We can't see him anymore. But that does not mean he is not here with us. He will always be right here," Raina said, pointing at aerion's heart and then at Wyrion's.

"Because we love him?" Wyrion asked. Raina nodded.

"Yes, because we love him," she said as Wyrion climbed into her lap too. "But do you know who else loves you?" Raina said playfully, kissing their cheeks as they let out giggles.

"Mama!" they yelled, pushing themselves forward and hugging her.

"Yes, yes! Your mama loves you so much!" Raina said, holding onto them and showering them with kisses.

"Raina?" a voice said, making Raina stop and look over to see Aegon. She sat Wyrion and Aerion down and looked at him.

"Yes, Aegon?" Raina asked. He looked down, making her frown and raise her eyebrows. "What is it?" she asked the boy.

"Father and Mother sound like they're fighting," he said. Raina stood up, concerned. "And Serion is crying," he added. Raina nodded. Daemon had Serion, so if they were fighting and Serion was still crying, something was wrong.

"Alright," Raina said and looked back at her sons. "Why don't you two go with Aegon and find Uncle Jace?" she suggested. The boys jumped to their feet, and Raina walked out with Aegon as she made her way to the great hall.

When Raina walked in, the two were indeed engaged in a very heated conversation, and Serion was crying loudly. "Enough!" Raina hollered, making Daemon and Rhaenyra look at her as she moved to pick up Serion.

"Shh, my littlest dragon," Raina said soothingly before snapping her head over to Daemon. "First, when you hear a baby cry, pick him up. Second, don't fight like that in front of him. It makes him fussy. And third, what are you fighting about?" Raina asked, her tone firm yet concerned.

"Daemon," Rhaenyra said. Raina looked at him, awaiting an explanation.

"I hired some men," he said. Raina raised an eyebrow, curious about his intentions.

"He hired men to kill one of Aegon's children," Rhaenyra said, her voice filled with concern. Raina felt a profound shock course through her.

"Dear gods, Daemon," Raina said, her wide eyes reflecting her disbelief. His children had nothing to do with any conflicts between them.

"You have no room to talk," Daemon retorted, looking at her. "You flew to the Red Keep and burned down the training ground, and you landed an arrow in Aemond's arm," he accused. Raina nodded, acknowledging her actions.

"Yes, knights-full-grown men-who would have fought against us in battle," Raina explained. "And the man who killed my brother, a fully grown man, got an arrow in the arm, Daemon," she said firmly. Daemon rolled his eyes dismissively, further frustrating Raina.

"Whatever poor child, my poor sweet aunt, I do know the pain," Raina said, nodding in understanding. "Now, moving on, we have a war to tend to... right after I feed this child," she added, looking down at Serion.

"Raina!" Rhaenyra interjected urgently. Raina looked up at her.

"There is nothing we can do, Rhaenyra," Raina said with a hint of sorrow. "I feel bad, I really do. The child was an innocent victim," she said, her gaze piercing Daemon, who shifted uncomfortably and looked away.

"But we can't change what happened," Raina continued. "Although, Daemon, next time, don't kill children. Just go and stare down the intended target," she said, her tone tinged with a mix of admonishment and sarcasm. Daemon took Serion out of Raina's hands

"Yeah, yeah," he muttered, walking away.

"Daemon, I need to feed him!" Raina called after him, walking in his direction. "Daemon!" she pleaded. He stopped and looked back at her.

"Daemon, mind you, I'm not angry with you," Raina said gently, placing her hand on his face. "I don't think you should have killed a child, but unfortunately, it's the reality of war," she said.

"It's good that at least one of you gets that," Daemon replied, his gaze shifting down to her. Raina smiled,

"I do, but now it's time to give Wyrion his dragon lessons, and after his training," Raina said. Daemon nodded. Wyrion was the only one of her children with a dragon. He was the only one who had been given an egg, which had recently hatched.

"Yes, I will do it," Daemon agreed, taking care of Serion. "What will you be doing?" he asked. Raina shrugged, walking past him.

"I want you in my chambers tonight," Raina said, her voice filled with anticipation. However, her words were interrupted when his hand landed on her waist.

"Why wait?" Daemon said, pulling her back against him. "Let someone else take care of Serion this time," he whispered in her ear, his voice filled with desire. Raina hummed, turning to look up at him, her own desires mirroring his.

Raina nodded, "Alright. But I still want you tonight." Daemon nodded back as they made their way to their chambers with a maid taking serion.

Once inside, Daemon spun Raina around and kissed her deeply, pushing her onto the bed. Raina quickly undid his pants, freeing him as he pulled her dress up to her waist. She moaned as he entered her, gripping onto his back and burying her face into his neck.

As Daemon picked up the pace, Raina's moans grew louder and she arched her back, meeting his thrusts. Her toes curled and her eyes rolled back as she reached her climax, tightening around him.

Daemon slowed down for a few more deep thrusts before finishing inside her with a low growl.

Daemon kissed her neck and jaw gently as she slowly pulled back and looked down at him. Raina moved her hands up to his face and kissed him on the lips, savoring the intimate moment they shared.

"Are you alright?" Daemon asked, concern evident in his voice. Raina nodded, reassured by his presence.

"Yes, I am," she replied, her voice filled with a mixture of contentment and determination. Daemon pulled out of her and lay next to her, their bodies close.

"You know everything will be alright, Raina," he said, his voice filled with conviction. Raina looked over at him, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Yes, I do," she said, her voice carrying a sense of unwavering confidence. She moved closer to him, resting her head on his chest, finding comfort in their connection. Raina's gaze shifted forward, her eyes reflecting a determination and strength that Daemon could only begin to comprehend.

"It will be," she whispered, her voice filled with a quiet resolve.


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