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Raina looked out the window, her hand resting on her small baby bump. "I want you to ride around Dragonstone and see if you can spot any boats that have crossed the sea," Raina said to Alden, who nodded.

"There is something that will make you happy, though," Alden said, making Raina look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Come on," he said. Raina huffed but walked with him until they were out on the shore of the sea. Alden pointed his finger out to the sea, making Raina look.

A smile pulled at Raina's lips as she saw about 20 boats moving towards Dragonstone. Each boat had the same emblem on it: a red dragon with a silver crest around it. Roderick stood at the front of one of the boats.

"They're here," Raina said, looking at Alden with a smile as he nodded.

"Raina?" Daemon said, walking out to her and looking at the boats. "What is this?" he said, looking at her.

"This husband is a part of my army," Raina said. "About 1000 men," she added. Daemon looked at her and then back out at the boats. It's not that he didn't believe she had an army, but as much as it was talked about, no one had ever seen it until now.

Raina watched as the boats docked, and Roderick walked right up to her. "Roderick," she said.

"Raina," he said, looking back at the boats. "They all came, and then some," he said. Raina looked as the soldiers and knights walked onto the beach.

"People of the Red Army, hear my voice,

I stand before you as Raina Thunderborn of House Velaryon and Targaryen, the heir to Driftmark, the Velaryon Storm, the Commander of Dragons, the Unburnt Heir, the Iron Flame, and the conqueror of lands. I am the true heir to the throne and the dragon to be.

From the earliest days of my life, when I was sent away at the tender age of five months, I have known hardship, suffering, and pain. But I stand before you today, not as a victim of my past, but as a survivor, a warrior, and a leader. I have fought battles alongside my people, shedding blood, sweat, and tears to build an army worthy of our noble cause.

I have ridden three dragons, including the fearsome Cannibal, and with their power, we have conquered realms and liberated the oppressed. I have felt the fire of injustice burn within me, and I have emerged unscathed, unbroken, and unyielding. I am the embodiment of the legacy of House Targaryen, and I will not rest until our rightful place on the throne is restored.

I have heard the whispers of my ancestors, the haunting echoes of their guidance and wisdom. They have bestowed upon me the strength to endure, the vision to lead, and the fire to inspire. Their spirits live on within me, fueling the flames of our righteous cause.

Now, as I stand upon the ancient stones of Dragonstone, I call upon all who share the same fire in their blood as the dragon, all who yearn for justice and freedom, to join me in this noble quest. Together, we will forge a new era, a reign of prosperity, unity, and greatness. We will reclaim what is rightfully ours and usher in an age of peace and prosperity for all who dwell in the shadow of our mighty dragons.

Let the world remember this day, for it is the day when they witnessed the rise of the Dragon Queen, the day when the thunder of our legacy reverberated across the seas and the lands.

I am Raina Thunderborn, and I will lead us to victory, for I am the storm, the flame, and the unyielding spirit of House Targaryen!

Together, we shall conquer, together, we shall prevail, and together, we shall reclaim our destiny!

Fire and Blood!"

"Fire and blood!" they cheered.

"To the Red Queen!"

"Hail to the Red Queen!"

"Hail to the Red Queen!"

Raina's eyes moved to look at her family. "I feel as if the next battle is ours," Raina said, looking back at the army.



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