5 Years laterthe moment Raina's feet hit the ground, she took off running.
"Princess Raina!" her maid called out, but the princess was too excited to stop. She had lived with her grandparents in Driftmark since she was five months old, and although her family had visited occasionally, she missed them terribly. Her heart was set on seeing her brothers, and most importantly, her father.
Spotting her father, she couldn't contain her joy. "Father!" she exclaimed, running into his open arms.
"My baby," he greeted, picking her up and hugging her tightly. "You've come early, my love," he said, planting a kiss on her cheek.
"I came early to surprise you!" she replied, her face beaming. Raina was normally a very quiet and shy girl but when it came to her father she was the opposite
"Well, I'm very glad! But I have to attend to something. Why don't you go find your brothers?" he suggested, setting her down.
"You'll spend the rest of the day with me, right?" she asked. He nodded, kissing her forehead.
"Princess!" her maid called out, appearing flustered as she caught up. Ignoring her, Raina ran off to find her brothers. She spotted her oldest brother training with swords and called out to him.
"Brother!" she yelled. Jaca stopped, dropped the sword, and turned to her, his face lighting up as he hugged his sister. As she eyes moved to look for luck Despite the age difference of merely two moons, their bond was as strong as any siblings could have. And if she was being honest Luke was her favorite of course she would never say it out loud but they all know
"Raina!" he exclaimed. "You're here," he added, his voice filled with relief and joy. She giggled as she wrapped her arms around him, her heart swelling with happiness.
Two white-haired princes watched the interaction with curiosity. They had no idea who the tan-skinned beauty might be, but her age seemed to be no more than five or six. She was indeed a captivating sight. The girl turned to look at them and greeted them with a warm smile.
"Nephew, who might this be?" Aegon asked, his curiosity piqued. Even though the girl looked familiar he couldn't quite put a finger on where he had seen her from
"I'm Raina Velaryon," she introduced herself quietly and shy before calling out to her other brother. "Luke!" she exclaimed, freeing herself from her older brother's embrace and rushing into Luke’s arms.
"Rai!" he greeted, hugging her. "You’re here... how long are you staying?" he asked, his voice filled with hope. A big smile spread across her face.
"I don't know," she confessed. "mama said something, but I don't remember," she admitted, looking down. Her mama was her grandmother she had called her that since the day she started talking
"Guess what?" she said, placing her hands behind her back and swinging her shoulders from side to side.
"What?" Jace asked, looking at his sister with a smile.
"My dragon eggs should hatch soon!....and guess what!" She said, her voice filled with excitement. But she didn’t wait for a response, "mama said it's showing signs!"
"Pōnta would emagon issare tolī byka naejot maghagon, yn nyke kostagon't umbagon naejot show zirȳ naejot ao skori pōnta're kesīr. Ao'll jorrāelagon zirȳ!" she said, not realizing she had switched to Valyrian in her excitement. (They would have been too small to bring, but I can't wait to show them to you when they're here. You'll love them!)
"She speaks Valyrian?" Aemond asked, surprised.
"I'm going to find grandfather," she announced, looking at the two white-haired boys. "It was nice to meet you, Prince Aemond, Prince Aegon," she said politely before running off in search of her grandfather.

The dragon to be // House of dragons
FanfictionAs a child, you would wait and watch from far away But you always knew that you'd be the one That work while they all play In youth, you'd lay awake at night and scheme Of all the things that you would change But it was just a dream Here we are, don...