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Raina stood by the window, her eyes fixed on the Red Keep. She had ordered Aegon, Aemond, and their mother to be locked in heavily guarded rooms, while the others were placed in the dungeon.

"We haven't received any word from Dragonstone," Roderick informed Raina, whose jaw tightened as she turned to face him. "Alden has confirmed that your children should be on their way, but we've heard nothing else from there."

Nodding, Raina began to walk out of the room. "Have you obtained what I requested?" she asked, glancing back at him. War was a daunting affair, so Raina intended to descend to the people of King's Landing, providing them with whatever they needed to rebuild their lives—be it money, food, or shelter.

He gave a nod

"Good. Let's go," she declared, striding out of the hall toward where the horses were. Raina swiftly mounted her horse, casting a glance back at the small army of guards before nudging her horse gently to move forward.

The hooves of the horses echoed against the cobblestones, and the cries of the wagons resonated in the air. With each turn of their wheels, the people of King's Landing quickly took notice, and a sizable crowd swiftly gathered.

"Queen Raina!"
"The new queen!"

The people shouted. She had only ascended to the throne a few days ago, but it didn't take long for the word to spread like wildfire that the Red Queen had reclaimed her seat.

Raina remained atop her horse, observing as the guards distributed the supplies she had brought for the people. Some approached her, and when she allowed them to, Raina clasped the hands of her subjects, embraced the children, and bestowed kisses on the cheeks of young boys, all while being praised by the people.

"Raina," the echoing voice reverberated in her mind, causing her to snap her eyes downward. "You have done well, our Flame. You have accomplished what we asked. You have conquered lands, reclaimed what is rightfully yours, and ruled with greatness and harmony. For this, your name will be remembered in history. Your time with us is coming to an end. It's time for you to return home, great Gods Storm and Flame," they declared.

Raina's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Wasn't she already home? Why did they speak as if this would be the last time?

"It's time to come home," they whispered softly as their voices slowly faded away, leaving Raina's mind unexpectedly clear. She no longer heard the darkness, the murmurs, or the hisses. At that moment, she felt it.

She was exhausted—so much so that her upright posture slumped forward slightly. Her eyes lifted to the bright, piercing sun, its rays uncomfortably hot against her skin as she felt a wet stream trickle from her nose down to her lip.

Raina reached up, touching her nose before pulling her hand back to examine it. It was stained red with blood, bubbling like water over a fire. Raina wiped her nose again.

"Raina?" Roderick said, halting his horse next to hers. "Are you alright?" he asked, his eyes widening as he looked at her.

"Raina, you do not look well," he observed, moving his hand to her face. "You are unwell. We must get you back," he insisted, recalling the fever that had tried to claim her when she was only a child. Roderick grabbed the reins of her horse, steering it to the side.

"Back to the keep!" he yelled, pulling Raina's horse along, and she allowed him. At that moment, Raina felt confused. The feeling that had consumed her for all the years was gone. They were no longer there. She didn't know what to do; she was simply exhausted.

"Come on," Roderick urged as they returned to the Red Keep. He carefully helped her off the horse and wasted no time in taking her to her chambers.

She felt lost—everything around her was the same, but her mind? It was different. Something had changed in a matter of minutes. She was done; she was tired.

"Gods, Raina," Roderick exclaimed, guiding her to a chair as his eyes scanned her. "We need to get the Maesters!" he insisted, but Raina only shook her head and looked down.

"I'm just tired," Raina mumbled. He shook his head in disagreement.

"Raina, there is something wrong. Nothing hits someone like that," Roderick said, studying her face. "You need to be examined. Fevers kill, Raina. I watched this thing nearly take you once, and I will not allow it to happen again," he declared, starting to walk away. However, Raina grabbed his hand.

"Tomorrow, Roderick," Raina said, looking up at him. "If I am to die from this, then the gods have already chosen it," she said, releasing his hand.

"When have you cared for what any of the gods think!" he hissed. Raina simply looked at him. "You've gone against everything and everyone since the day you arrived in this world. You carved a path for yourself, unconcerned with others' opinions. I watched you build yourself up, witnessed you do things I thought a woman could never do. I was there through your pain and triumphs, and I've seen you grow into the person you are today. I refuse to witness you die like this!" he hissed, his love for her evident. He had always loved her, ever since the day he met her when she was a wide-eyed, carefree little girl.

"If you are going to die, it will not be like this!" Roderick declared. "You are Raina Thunderborn, of House Velaryon and Targaryen. You are the Heir to Driftmark, the Velaryon Storm, the Commander of Dragons, the Unburnt Heir, the Iron Flame, the Conqueror of Lands, and the Dragon of the Sea," he recited.

"Roderick," Raina mumbled, her eyes meeting his.

"You are the queen, and not just any queen, but the Red Queen," he said. "You have achieved everything you've worked for your whole life. Why stop now?" Roderick couldn't fathom why Raina, after everything, would give up so easily. Even if the fever didn't take her, what was to stop her from succumbing to something else?

"I want to rest. Have the Maesters come to me when I wake," Raina mumbled, pushing herself to her feet. He let out a breath and nodded, and Raina made her way to her bed.

The moment Raina's body touched the bed, she fell into a deep sleep.

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