1 - An Unexpected Day

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Authors Note: The first couple chapters are a bit slow but I promise they get better around Chapter three. Please bare with me.

"Today is the day!" I exclaimed to the fluffy Siberian Husky sitting next to me.

He perked up, thinking he was going to get a treat from my good mood.

I giggled at him, "No, no treats right now. I know I spoil you way too much, you fluffy monster."

Bending down I gave the fluffy dog a few pets, before flopping down on the light gray sofa behind me, "Today is the day I'm going to be productive and actually try getting a job."

No matter how badly I don't want one; it would be inefficient to keep living off of my dead family's funds. It was very convenient that I happened to be the last member alive to receive such money. Though, I managed to burn through what took them decades to save up in only a matter of a couple of years.

Not that I feel bad for doing so. See, my family hated me very much. I wasn't able to be what they wanted me to be. I was a very... unique kid, but in their eyes, I was crazy and a curse. Which eventually resulted in them casting me out. They were right of course, I'm a bit loopy in the head, but that's because of my quirk! In no way is that my fault.

Slayer barked in my ear, which snapped me out of my thoughts. I shot up from the comfy couch and looked over at him. He looked at me, expectantly.

"Right... gotta be productive. I had already forgotten." I giggled, as I headed toward the kitchen.

While going through the cabinets I realized that I needed to take Slayer to the groomers tomorrow. He didn't mind the groomers at all, but I always feel bad dropping him off. He's the reason I haven't gone insane, he keeps me occupied and on track. Hence why he is the best dog.

"Here they are!" I exclaimed, pulling out the dog treats from above the fridge. They weren't even in a cabinet, I've got to stop moving them around!

After giving Slayer a couple of treats, I went looking for his leash. I searched through my messy room, which was filled with books left and right. Of course, I also had a laptop by my twin bed in the farthest corner of my room from the door.

I liked to write, read, and draw but they weren't very helpful skills when it came to getting a job. Fast food places couldn't care less. Hence why it's difficult for me to find a well-fitting job, let alone keep one. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to publish a book with little doodles in the corner of pages to keep the eyes entertained or it could distract people from the story, either way if it got them to buy I wouldn't care.

Suddenly, soft fur was under my hand and brushing the side of my leg. I hadn't even realized that I was just standing in my room, staring at a wall. I looked down at Slayer to see that he had his leash in his mouth.

"Good boy!" I said, taking the leash from his mouth and latching it onto his collar, "Off to town!" I giggled as we made our way out the front door.

I let Slayer lead me through the quiet streets. See I lived in a small house, behind a couple of tall buildings. One of them was an office building, the other an apartment building. Neither useful in my opinion. We winded through a dark alleyway that was constantly cluttered with trash and some weird gooey liquids. Walking out of the alleyway we were surrounded by heavy foot traffic. Making our way along the sidewalk Slayer led us around the occasional litter on the ground. The town I lived in wasn't exactly taken care of well.

In fact most people where quiet more kept themselves type of people. My favorite kind of people! Sure occasionally you will meet a nice person here and there but it's pretty rare. Not to mention the heroes who work in this area aren't very popular as they have big egos. So if you ever get "saved" expect your next twenty minutes to be filled with the heroes bragging about themselves. Which is probably why the crime rate is high, the heroes are too focused on themselves instead of actually helping the citizens. But that doesn't bother me, it keeps people from questioning how I act since the whole area is just filled with crazies.

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