5 - Unfriendly Visit

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I was silent the whole way home. Honestly I was still trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened. What I had agreed to... I got home and took a quick shower, then I changed into some comfy pajamas. The whole time my mind was a kind of fog.

I sat down on the couch and picked up my sketchbook, flipping to the page with the drawing of the bowl of hands. That's when it hit me, I had agreed to join the League of Villains.. I let Shigaraki win...

"Stupid. Stupid! Stupid!" I exclaimed, falling back onto the couch, "Why would I do that?!" I yelled into the empty room.

A slight whine caught my attention to my right. Sighing, I sat up and looked over at Slayer.

"Yes?" I questioned, annoyed with myself if anything.

I mean, originally I hadn't planned on joining. It was a coincidence that Shigaraki landed in my place. I didn't turn him in because 1) He ruined my floor and 2) He was interesting, I mean not everyone wears dead hands on them. Then once I started talking to him, I was leaning towards forgetting the whole thing overall, but he came back. Then Slayer gave me mixed signals so I kinda just winged it. I had hoped to learn more about the villain, but instead I reached my limit of questions and had to pick between life or death. The plus side is I'm getting paid per mission and I now technically have friends. The downside is that the League of Villains are a popular strong villain group. Meaning if I get seen with them, (which I most likely will in a mission) that puts a target on my back. Though... something tells me it wouldn't be the first time...

Another whine caught my attention, snapping me out of my thoughts. Looking back at Slayer, I noticed him sitting by his food bowl. Sighing once again I stood up. Walking into the kitchen I went looking for his food.

"I guess eating is something we need to do to stay alive." I mumbled, pouring the dry dog food into his bowl.

Standing up, I went over to make myself something.

"Why didn't you stop me from joining that time? Did you get the feeling we'd die if I said no as well?" I questioned, all I got in response was the sound of him eating.

"I mean, I know that you don't like Shigaraki. You seemed to dislike Toga as well... but you liked Twice and Dabi I guess..." I paused, thinking back on the money he had given me for the floor.

Turning around I picked up the envelope I had left by the fridge. Opening it up, it still had all the money Dabi had given me. Turning towards the living room, I noticed another envelope sitting on the end table. Walking over, I picked it up to find it had just enough money to pay for the floor.

I chuckled, looking between the two envelopes, "I guess in the end we got paid double for the floor. This should be enough to pay for necessities and to replace the floor."

Taking the envelopes, I went into my room and put the money on my nightstand. I took a few twentys and put them in my wallet just in case. Satisfied, I went back to the dining room and finished some food for myself.

"You know Slayer, it might've been a stupid idea to join the League, but at least life will be eventful now."

A knock at the backdoor caught my attention, making me jump. Slayer perked up, then barked at the door.

Confused, I walked towards the backdoor. Pulling the curtains out of the way, revealed... darkness. It was pitch black out and I stupidly didn't have a light for the back door. Giving my eyes a moment to adjust to the dark, I opened up the door and stepped outside.

"Hello?" I said aloud, walking into the yard.

After a few minutes of looking around, I gave up and headed back inside. Shutting the back door, I headed back into the house. I was about to go sit down and continue eating, but I noticed Slayer sitting by his food bowl, intently staring at me?

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now