47 - Numbed Feelings

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Grumbling, I sat up and glanced around my messy bed. The comforter had been thrown off the bed throughout the night. A few pillows were scattered around the bed. It looked like I was fighting someone. Standing up my vision went blurry and I fell forwards. Barley catching myself on the wall I hit my arm harshly on the wall making a thudding sound. My head ached as my vision slowly came back. Great start to my day...

Sunlight peeked through the curtains above my bed. Glancing at my phone I noted that it was almost noon. Sighing I made my way through the slum that was my room. Training popped into my head as I stared at the clothes I was wearing. Mindlessly I searched through what clothes were left in my closet. Noting that I badly needed to do laundry, I pulled out some gray sweats and a black tank top.

Throwing on the outfit I headed off into the bathroom. Where I made the effort to brush through my hair. I had to yank and tug at my scalp as I tore through the knots in my hair. Halfway doing so I had to sit on the floor and turn myself away from the sink. I still couldn't stand to look at the girl in the mirror.

My eyes skimmed over the piles of clothing on my floor as I exited my bathroom. Laundry... My head felt like it was spinning, the tugging from my hairbrush hadn't helped the mystery headache I had. Ignoring the clothes I left my bedroom.

A strong, yummy smell caught my nose as I walked through the hall. In all honesty it made me feel kind of nauseous. I can't remember the last time I ate an actual meal. Exiting the hall the first thing I noticed was the container of chinese food sitting on the counter. Glancing around the house I was surprised to find it empty.

A note sat on top of the container of food. I skimmed it over before throwing it away. Essentially it said Dabi got the food for me and that training was this evening. Shigaraki signed his name at the bottom. Picking up the food I turned to head back into my bedroom. But I paused. I didn't want to go back in there... It was a mess and it was dark...

Looking towards the dining table I debated for a moment actually using it. Movement caught my eye. Glancing out the glass sliding door I noticed Dabi sitting in the grass under the big oak tree. He seemed to be reading something, which was an odd sight to see. My mind wandered to a young reddish-white haired boy sitting under the shade of the trees by our houses. On the rare occasions he wasn't training, Toya used to read when it was nice outside.

My phone buzzed, snapping me out of the calming thought. A notification popped up on my phone, a text message from Vendetta. Ignoring it I set my phone down on the counter. Another text message left to the pile of unread messages I had from Vendetta. She started texting me a week or so ago. She was trying to check in on me, giving me updates about Eri adjusting. Apparently Eri was put with the heroes in the school. She visited class 1-A often and was with Vendetta when she wasn't busy.

At first I felt better knowing Eri was safe. But Vendetta never mentioned Eri wanting to talk to me. She only told me what the little girl was doing and how she was adjusting. Vendetta's check ins and updates started to become constant reminders of that day. How horribly wrong it went. How scared Eri looked....

Blanking my thoughts I closed the sliding door behind me before walking over to Dabi. Despite the bright shining ball in the sky it was still pretty chilly out. The leaves on the oak tree were turning a pretty orangish-yellow. What month was it again?

Dabi glanced up as I approached him. He glanced me over, taking in my appearance, before going back to the book he was reading. Silently I plopped down on the grass beside him. Opening up the container of food I started to pick at it, not very hungry.

We sat in a comfortable silence. I watched as birds flew by in the grayish-blue sky. As well as clouds, some big, some small. For once in a long while I felt... calm. The sounds of lawn mowers going off and children's laughter occasionally caught my ear, reminding me that we were in a neighborhood. Unlike my old place people actually lived near me. It was an odd realization. A dog started barking a couple houses down. The noise reminded me of my headache. I had forgotten to take something for it...

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