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A door creaking open caught my ear. I stirred a little, waking up to the sound.

"She's in here." Sighed a familiar hoarse voice, "She's safe."

Mumbling followed as well as a soft sigh from a second person.

With that the door closing caught my ear, followed by footsteps as the guys walked off. Sighing I nuzzled into the blankets and let sleep overtake me again.


I awoke to a quiet morning. Sunlight peeked through the window. Grumbling, I rolled over in an attempt to ignore it. Why weren't the curtains closed? Slowly opening my eyes I took in my surroundings. Sitting up, my gaze darted around Amoras room. A sigh escaped my lips as I stood up, stretching while doing so.

Purring caught my ear as I moved. Soot caught my eye as he laid sprawled out next to me, passed out. One of the guys must've let him in last night... Patting my pocket I realized I didn't have my phone on me. After looking for a moment I gave up, figuring it was around the house somewhere.

My stomach grumbled, overall I kind of felt like crap. My eyes were a little puffy from crying, I was still in yesterday's clothes. My jaw was sore from crying so much.

Giving Soot a few pats on the head before heading out of the room. My eyes landed on my bedroom door at the end of the hall. I should change... maybe even shower. I stared for a moment before taking a deep breath and walking down the hall, away from my bedroom and into the main area. Not worth going in there at the moment.

Movement caught my eye as Dabis stood up from the couch. I hadn't thought about how early it really was right now. Before I could consider the idea I might've woken him up, he glanced back at me. Looking over my appearance before he simply nodded at me in acknowledgement.

I knew I didn't look good, but compared to him I looked great. He just looked exhausted, his movements tense and tired, his hair disheveled. Pausing I noticed some white in his roots. Tilting my head I stared for a moment. In fact... the black in his hair seemed to have faded a little. But I thought his natural hair color was red?

Noticing my staring he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "What?" He mumbled not mentioning my staring directly but clearly unsure what was suddenly so intriguing to me.

For a moment I wanted to speak up, but my breath caught in my throat. Sighing I glanced at my hair, the fact it was mostly white by this point caused a sense of dread. Walking over to him I pointed at his hair and then at mine.

He stared at me a moment before pulling out his phone. Now with the camera on he adjusted his hair before pausing. "Is this about my roots?" He muttered, glancing at me for confirmation.

I nodded.

Sighing, he put his phone back into his pocket. I noticed he kept fidgeting with his hair a bit, still trying to adjust it. "I haven't had the chance to dye it recently." He muttered, his voice just sounding drained.

Without much thought I grabbed his hand and pulled it away from his head. With my free hand I ruffled his messy hair, a small smile on my face as I watched it all sort of fall into place. My gaze darted to his face as I noticed his cheeks lightly pink. I released his hand and stepped back, anxious I might've invaded his space.

Noticing this he snapped himself out of his thoughts and cleared his throat as he rubbed the back of his neck chuckling lightly, "I'll dye it today."

I glanced at the white of my hair that fell either side of my face. Suddenly an idea popped into my head. "Mine too?" My voice was quiet and small but he froze abruptly anyway, indicating he heard me.

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now