26 - Establishing the Past

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"The past always comes back to haunt you. Whether it's to teach you a lesson, remind you of forgotten feelings, or to just be a b*tch."

Coughing caught my ear. Snapping me awake. Glancing around I realized I was still in that numbing gray room. The room was darker than before. There was dried blood on the floor beside me. The medkit laid open by it.

My leg was rebandaged. Dried blood stuck to my black stockings and the rest of my outfit. Sitting up I hissed slightly from using my injured arm. Muttering to myself I glared at my injuries. Shit that hurts. Ugh I fell asleep. I was trying to figure out what to do and I fell asleep! Seriously?! Ignoring the pain I stood up, coughing caught my ear again.

Turning around I noticed Eri still curled up, covering her mouth with her arm as she coughed. A glass of water sat on the nightstand. Picking it up, I lightly shook Eri. Her eyes shot open in fear, but they relaxed once she realized it was me. Eyebags sat under them.

"Miss Jinx." she managed to say in a raspy tone, "I'm sorry I'll be better."

"Don't apologize for being sick." I muttered, thoughts of Overhaul getting mad at her for it pissed me off. "Here, drink some water and rest." I said, handing her the glass. She chugged it and handed it back to me. Sighing she curled up in the blankets, closing her eyes.

I ruffled her hair gently. Poor kid. I need to get shit figured out so that I can focus on helping Eri get better. It doesn't help that I don't have a place of my own anymore. Can't exactly crash at Dabi's he doesn't have enough room. Not to mention Amora hates him. I held the bridge of my nose frustrated with the situation. Amora accused Dabi of murdering my family. I've got to ask Dabi now just to get it over with. Then I have to figure out how Amora was Slayer. After that I can finally focus on the whole house situation.

I waited a few minutes to make sure Eri had fallen back asleep. Once positive I quietly left the room. To my right I noticed a light coming from the corner at the end of the hall. Ignoring it I made my way to the door that revealed the bar.

Opening it I was surprised to find it basically empty. There was a blood stain on the floor. Below the counter were a few shattered glass cups. Movement caught my eye by the booths.

Sitting on a booth with his legs on the table was Shigaraki. In his hand he held a red and blue Switch. He wore a pair of black artist gloves similar to the ones he disintegrated that were mine. He was completely focused on the game, seeming not to notice me.

Blue light caught my eye coming from the booth behind the one Shigaraki was in. I made my way over towards it.

"That cat is an asshole." Shigaraki stated as I passed him.

"So was my mother." I stated thinking over who the cat could be. If it was anyone...

Now thinking about it I was definitely going crazy. Which was nothing new to me. But seriously animals being people? Do I really believe that cat is a member of my family? There was no way to know for sure until I got answers from Amora. Dabis first.

The first thing that caught my attention when I glanced into the booth was blue flames flickering and dancing on Dabi's hand. They moved around as he messed with them. He looked rather comfortable in the booth. A ball of black fur caught my eye as it layed curled up next to Dabi. Most likely for warmth. Definitely not my mother.

His light blue eyes met my nearly white ones. He simply glanced at me before focusing back onto the flames in his hand. With his other hand he gave the black cat a few pets. It started purring, seeming rather content.

Sighing I plopped down on the seat across from him. We sat in silence for a moment as I watched the flames dance around.

"Are you okay?" I questioned catching his attention, "You were literally smoking earlier. I know your quirk overheats your body."

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now