29 - Too Many Problems

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"A moment of Patience in a moment of Anger saves you hundred moments of Regret"

Slowly my eyes flickered open. Once again I was met with the gaming room. Groggily I sat up, rubbing my eyes as I adjusted to being awake. I'd be lying if I told you I slept well. The couch wasn't very comfortable and I kept having to shift weight off of my injured leg and arm. Which was annoying considering they were on the opposite sides. After the nightmare I was restless in my sleep, it was practically impossible to get comfortable by then.

Glancing around the room I noticed my big sister leaning on the wall near the exit of the room. Her eyes were closed and her breath was steady informing me that she was fast asleep. She looked rather comfortable despite the fact she was on the floor. The eyebags under her eyes were a bit darker then when I saw that last night. She probably got less sleep than I did.

Quietly I stood up from the couch. Subconsciously I put weight on my injured leg causing a shot of pain to go up my leg. I tensed for a moment as I relieved weight off my leg. Hissing under my breath I waited a moment for the pain to ease. Limping, I made my way to Amora. Carefully I set the blanket that I had slept with on her. Once positive that she wasn't going to wake up I quietly left the room.

Heading down the hall I paused in front of Vendetta's room. Cracking the door I glanced inside. Eri laid passed out on the bed. She looked very comfortable as she was bundled up in the blankets. Not wanting to bug her I shut the door.

Quietly I made my way down the hallway towards the bar. I didn't want to wake anybody up considering I didn't actually know what time it was. Opening up the bar door I was slightly surprised to find Kurogiri pacing. He stopped and glanced up at me, seeming to have heard the door open up.

"Ah, good morning Ketsuki." He said, perking up at my appearance.

"Morning." I mumbled glancing around for a clock. Sitting above one of the booths was a dark clock mounted on the wall. It read, 7:55am.

"How are you feeling?" Kurogiri questioned.

Turning my attention back to Kurogiri I gave him a weak smile, "A little sore. Rough night."

He nodded in understanding. "Would you like some breakfast? I made some for you guys but I was unsure when you'd wake up."

"Some food would be nice." I sighed.

He nodded. He made his way over to the bar. Along the wall next to all of the shelves and bottles was a door I hadn't originally noticed. He opened it and disappeared behind the door. Leaving me in the bar alone. Limping, I made my way over towards the bar. Sitting on one of the bar stools I rested my head on my arms sighing as I thought over what I was going to do today.

I honestly had no clue. I had finished my goal. I got Eri back. By fixing one problem I ended up creating more problems. My sister was alive. That's fine I think... I mean my sister can live with Eri and I. I don't see her thriving too well with a ton of villains so maybe she'll take care of Eri while I'm out. At least then I won't have to leave Eri with a League member while I'm busy.

Downside. I don't have a house. That's something I'm going to need very soon. I refuse to crash in the bar every night. Despite everything that occurred yesterday, Dabis apartment might still be an option. But he doesn't have enough room for all of us. Not to mention Amora hates him...

I don't know what to do about the fact Dabi killed my family. Thinking about what Dabi said and how he said things, tells me he really had a good intention behind it. He thought he was keeping me safe. He thought he was helping. Even if he thought he was doing good, murdering my family wasn't the best solution. I don't hate him for killing them. At least I don't think I do... I mean I'm mad at him for killing my siblings even though it wasn't necessary. Unless Amora was leaving something out? I never did get Dabis' point of view of what happened, only that he did it and that he thought he was helping... Amoras is going to be pissed if I talk to Dabi, but he's still my old best friend. At the very least I need to know his point of view.

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now