17 - Meeting Day

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For once, I wasn't rudely awoken by the sun. Nor was I woken up by Slayer barking at someone or Eri being scared of an intruder. Nope, for once I woke up on my own because my body decided I had just gotten enough sleep.

My headache from the day before was gone. Slayer was up and about wandering through the house occasionally glancing in Eri's room. I decided to get up and change. I knew that I had that Overhaul meeting to go to today. Though Shigaraki never told me when it was exactly.

Looking through my closet my eyes landed on my villain outfit. Sighing, I changed into it. Luckily I managed to wash out the majority of blood stains on the turquoise crop top hoodie, there were only a few brown stains on it. I slid in some throwing knives into my outfit before looking into the mirror. Deciding on leaving my hair down, I brushed through all the tangles. Making it easier to hide my face if I wanted to.

Glancing at my nightstand I saw the feather just sitting there, the string now broken. Walking over to it I untied the feather from the yarn. Searching around my room I found some string. Knotting it a few times I made it into a more decorative looking necklace. Putting it on I hid the feather under my hoodie so that it was out of sight.

Sliding down the mask from my outfit, I nodded at myself in the mirror. Heading out of the bedroom, I made my way into the kitchen. Quickly making up Eri and myself a couple eggs and bacon. Glancing at the time I noticed that it was about 9:30
in the morning. Slayer trotted on over to me, the smell of bacon in the air. Chuckling, I dropped some bacon into his bowl.

He paused when he looked at me. He seemed unhappy as he looked me over. Grumbling, he went over to eat the bacon that was placed into his bowl. My only assumption for his weird behavior was the fact I was once again wearing my villain outfit.

Eri walked out of her room wearing comfy looking pajamas. She made her way over to me, "What's that smell?" she questioned.

I glanced over at her while I plated the food, "Bacon." I replied, walking over to her with the plates.

Setting them down on the table. I walked over, sliding a chair out for Eri. Once she sat down I pushed her towards the table. Walking onto the other side of the table I sat down myself. Instantly I started eating.

It was silent while we ate. That was until Eri broke it, "You're going to be leaving again aren't you?" she questioned.

"What?" I asked once I was done chewing. I mean I was, but what made her notice?

She pouted slightly, "That outfit. The last time you wore it I didn't see you for most of the day." she said, as if she read my mind.

I glanced down at my outfit. Slayer had an issue with my outfit as well. I mean the kid wasn't wrong. I've got business to take care of today. I need to figure out what exactly Overhaul has been doing to the kid. Not to mention I also need to know what the kids' quirk is, if it's dangerous enough I need to train her how to use it. Last thing we need is her freaking out and accidentally doing something she'll regret.

"Yeah, I've got that thing with Shigaraki today." I replied as I continued to eat my breakfast.

"Oh... so I'll be with Toga again?" she questioned, picking at her food.

"I don't know yet. I haven't spoken to Shigaraki about it. But I know for a fact Slayer will be with you." I commented, finishing up my food.

Eri looked up at me, concern written all over her face.

I looked at her confused, why was she upset? There's no reason she should be? I was only going out for a little. "What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Would you give me back to... him?" she questioned, her voice was shaky.

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now