46 - A Focus

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 Time passed, I don't know how long. I gave up on trying to keep track of it. I've left my bedroom only a few times since the walk. I'm ashamed to admit I've been avoiding Dabi. He meant well, but he wanted me to talk. I wasn't ready and I didn't know how to tell him that. So like a coward I hid.

The few times I've left my room I've only seen Shigaraki. After a while he seemed to notice my avoidance of Dabi. If I'm being honest it's mostly been luck. Villains don't exactly have an exact work schedule, they come and go as they please.

The flowers I left on the counter have been moved into a clear vase with water. I don't know who moved them or when. They placed the vase on the small table by the front door. I assume they left it there for me to take when I was ready. I don't think I'll ever be ready.

Sleep hasn't come easy lately, I've just been sitting on the floor of my messy room. Blank. I don't let Soot in anymore. It hurts too much to see him... I've had a lot of time to think. More time than I would've liked as I sat in this deep dark hole. Nobody extended a hand anymore. Not since I've locked myself deeper in.

My thoughts wandered, despite my attempts to stop them. The nightmares are more clear, repetitive. Amora being shot was a key point at first, it was like I was cursed to relive that moment over and over. Lately however, it's slowly focused more and more on Trevor, or well his mutilated corpse. The taste of blood as it splattered on my face, how it soaked into my clothes, how my vision was only filled with red. At the time all I could feel was hate. Hate towards the boy who shot my sister. I didn't even know why he shot Amora... he was aiming for Eri.

Why would an Overhaul thug aim to kill the child Overhaul fought so hard to keep? I couldn't wrap my head around it. If Overhaul killed the boy and then revived him, why would he let the boy kill Eri? Was the boy rebelling? Considering Overhaul was in jail that would make the most sense.

I couldn't wrap my head around it. Eventually the blind hate towards the boy mixed with my hate towards Overhaul and all of his stupid thugs. I was stuck in this damn dark hole because of him. He's always tormenting me even in prison. I wanted it to end. I wanted him dead.

There wasn't much thought as I stood up from the dirty ground. It was dark and cloudy outside my window. Quickly and quietly I changed into an all black outfit. The moon wasn't shining from what I could tell, I should be able to hide in the shadows once I was out on the street.

My plan was simple. Leave the house. Go to Overhaul's old base. Interrogate and kill any thug I find still hanging around the area. Once done, go find and kill Overhaul. There wasn't much planning behind the plan, just pure hatred. I was sick of this man controlling my life. Fucking sick of it.

Grabbing a single knife, I headed for my bedroom exit. I wasn't entirely sure where the boys stayed. I wasn't sure when they left the house. I didn't care. Passing by Eri and Amoras doors only pissed me off more. I've lost them both and it was Overhaul's fault. He didn't deserve a quick death. He deserved a slow painful one.

The main room was pitch black as I left the hallway. I wasn't sure if someone was asleep on the couch, I couldn't see much. Blinking a few times I quietly made my way towards the front door. The knife's blade dug into my wrist as I clutched it close under my sleeve. Killing Overhaul will guarantee Eris safety. It'll avenge Amora. Killing Overhaul will end my problems. All of them. Funny to think one guy could cause me so much trouble.

A grip on my wrist caused me to freeze. "Where are you going?" A low, stern scratchy voice caught my ear, followed by a click.

The front hall illuminated in a warmish yellow glow as Shigaraki stood next to me, his grip on my wrist was firm. He looked wide awake informing me he hadn't been asleep like I had hoped. Glancing around quickly I looked for an escape, I'd been caught and I didn't know what to do.

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now