41 - A Trip Down Memory Lane

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"A sibling is the lens through which you see your childhood."

The rain pelted my face. It wasn't entirely comfortable. My mind wandered as I walked around the familiar neighborhood. I hated the area, it reminded me too much of my childhood. Too much of what my life used to be. Nonetheless I kept walking, searching for my sister and little Eri.

~ ~

"Jinx?" My sister's voice caught my ears as I hid in the shade of the empty playset. "Jinx, where are you?"

Holding back sniffles I stared at the dirty ground as she called for me. "I- I'm here." I reluctantly called out as a tear streamed down my face.

Brown hair caught my eye as Amora sprinted over to me. She looked relieved that she had found me, but relief quickly turned to concern. "Are you okay?" She mumbled crouching down in the shade in front of me.

Despite my best efforts tears streamed down my face as I broke out into a sob. My knees and palms were both scraped up and bloodied. "I- I fell?" I gasped through sobs, "I- I'm so- sorry!"

She glanced over my scraped up knees. "Hey, it's okay." she reassured, pulling me into a small hug. "It's okay that you fell, we all do."

I clutched onto her as I cried. She brought comfort as she joked about falling and reassured me everything was going to be okay. She helped me clean the wound with some water while promising me ice cream. Keeping on her promise we got some before heading home.

~ ~

The memory played in my head as I passed by the same playset. It was old with rust and clearly abandoned by now. The worst thing is the fact the pain wasn't even that bad. I was just so scared how furious Mother was going to be that I had gotten hurt. I was around six by then. Six years old and I was crying because of fear instead of the physical pain...

I pushed through continuing my way into the neighborhood. I knew where I was. It's been years since I've been in the area. I wish it had been longer.

The rain made it difficult to see as raindrops fell down my face going into my eyes. Despite that fact I kept searching.

~ ~

Knocking on my door caught my ear. Ignoring it I continued to stare at the ceiling. I was taught to always answer when someone knocks otherwise mom and dad got upset. At least they had the decency to knock. But I wasn't in the mood. Mother had already grounded me. What more could she do?

"Hey Jinx! You awake?" Loudly whispered someone from the other side of my bedroom door.

I ignored her.

"I'm coming in!" The voice stated.

My door squeaked open. Bounding in came Amora, a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Amora, what are you doing here?" I annoyedly exclaimed, sitting up from my bed.

"I came to get you."

"I'm grounded, remember."

"I know." A mischievous smile on her face. "Want to watch a movie?"

"But mom said-"

"Her and dad are out of the house." She stated, "Come on, I know how sad you were about missing yesterday's movie night. It'll be fun!"

"What if mom and dad come home and catch us?-"

"They won't." she stated exasperated. "They're at the company. You know mom would live there if she could. Now come on." She exclaimed, grabbing my arm and dragging me out of my room.

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