38 - Tension in the Air

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Slowly and reluctantly I faintly felt myself waking up as someone shook my arm. Groaning, I rolled over. I wasn't entirely sure who was trying to wake me up. But I knew for a fact I didn't want to get up. I still felt so drained.

"Jinx." mumbled a small voice as they shook my arm once again.

"What?" I mumbled on the verge of falling back asleep.

There was a pause.

"I'm scared." the small voice squeaked out.

Scared? Reluctantly I forced myself to open up my eyes. The room was dark and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust. Faintly I made out Eris' little figure as she stood next to the bed. The hero doll was clutched close to her chest as she glanced around the room. Her eyes were watery, in all honesty she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Eri, what's wrong?' I mumbled rubbing my eyes as I tried to think clearly.

"Mr Overhaul was back. An- and he took me back." her voice hitched as tears started to stream down her face, "H- he hurt yo- you." she managed to say through sniffles.

"Oh Eri." I mumbled the urge to comfort her washed over me. Sitting up I gently patted the empty space next to me on the bed. She crawled onto the bed and clung to my side, silently crying. Pulling her into my lap I held her close, rubbing circles in her back as I patiently waited for her to calm down.

Overhaul wasn't here. Shigaraki took care of him, it wasn't possible. Not to mention Dabi would've grabbed me if someone was attacking the house tonight. Meaning the only way Eri could've seen him was by having a nightmare...

"It was just a nightmare, Eri." I reassured, my eyes felt heavy with exhaustion. "He can't hurt you anymore."

"H- he-"

"He can't. And you know why?" I gently pushed her away. Cupping her small face I made her look up at me, "Because Auntie Amora and I won't let anything happen to you."

"And Miss Toga?" she mumbled as I released her face.

"And Miss Toga." I reassured.

"Mr. Dabi too?"

"Even Mr. Dabi." I smiled at her.

She seemed to relax at least a little bit. The tears streaming down her face lessened. I was too tired to walk her back to bed. In all honesty I didn't feel comfortable with the idea of leaving her alone in her room right now. I was more worried about the fact she'd have another nightmare than Overhaul actually showing up to grab her.

"Can I sleep with you?" she mumbled quietly.

"Of course you can." I smiled, slightly relieved she asked to stay.

Quickly she crawled under the blanket, getting comfortable. Laying back down I faced the little girl. She relaxed almost completely as she laid on the comfy bed, holding the hero doll close to her. For a moment she fought herself trying to keep her eyes open but eventually exhaustion won.

Silently I closed my eyes, eager to fall back asleep.

"Are you going to leave again without a goodbye?" she mumbled.

"No." I mumbled back, "No, I'll never leave without telling you goodbye first." Gently I patted her head in reassurance.

Then there was silence. Her small steady breathing caught my ear as she fell back asleep.

"Never again." I whispered, pulling her closer so that my body was shielding her from any danger.

With that I drifted off to sleep.

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now