19 - Everything's Wrong

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"Ow frick!" exclaimed a dark brown haired boy as he rushed into a huge modern kitchen.

Quickly he made his way to the sink, holding his hand to his chest. Blood seeped between his fingers, getting it all over his already greasy light gray shirt. He wore greasy dirty dark blue jeans with black converse, a black hoodie hung around his waist. He looked around 15. He's 16... I corrected myself. Quickly he washed the wound.

"I'm so sorry Sebastion!" Exclaimed a dark brown haired girl as she rushed into the kitchen. With me following after her.

She was wearing light blue overalls which were also covered in grease. She wore a brown undershirt and big brown work boots. Brown leather gloves covered her hands, but threw them off as she ran over to the boy. She looked older than him. She's 22. Umm... yeah she's 22. Her age floated around in my thoughts.

"It's not your fault," he said. He hissed under his breath as he washed the wound.

I walked through the very shiny modern kitchen. Stopping, I opened up a drawer, pulling out some bandages and cleaner. I just knew where it was. I didn't even have to think about it... Walking over to the boy I set the things down by the counter.

"Thanks Jinx." he smiled, drying his hand off quickly.

"Course, can't let my little bro bleed to death." I giggled, ruffling his hair. He was a bit taller than me. He didn't used to be that tall. Where did the time go? You were gone for two years. I- I didn't want to be... Unease washed over me. Glancing around the room I recognized where I was, yet it felt wrong.

Across from the kitchen was the living room. Where the huge dark green couch and a of couple dark green loveseats sat, surrounding the light tan fireplace. The cream colored walls kinda blurred for me as I glanced around the room. It was bright outside the windows. Along the farthest wall away from me there was a huge dark brown door with a window in it. It was the entrance I knew that. To my left there was a wall. The stairs are behind that. Right, I could go upstairs.

"I really didn't mean to drop that on you! I'm sorry Seb!" exclaimed the girl again.

Amora. Her name rang in my head. It was Amora, she was my big sister...

"Again it's not your fault. Besides, if someone was actually holding the whole thing in place instead of zoning out, maybe you would've missed me." Teased Sebastian, aiming his words towards me.

I looked around the room ignoring their conversation. I wasn't supposed to be here. It felt wrong. Something was wrong. I know where I am. This has happened before. Amora, Sebastian and I were working on one of Amoras robotic projects. I accidentally zoned out while holding the thing in place. Amora tried to snap me out of it and in doing so she dropped a heavy piece on Sebastian. It almost put a hole in his hand.

"Jinx" exclaimed Amora, snapping my attention back to them, "you okay?" she questioned.

Fidgeting slightly with my hair, "Yeah, sorry just had major Daja Vu." I chuckled, looking over at Sebastian.

He was having some trouble with the bandages so I picked them up and started to assist him.

"Wait, don't touch the-" I cut him off, "I know, I won't touch your blood I promise." I said, focusing carefully.

"Amoraaaaa!" Exclaimed a loud voice as someone ran down the stairs, "Amora I need your help! Should they go with Maroon or Burgundy for their main color!" Said a raven black haired girl as she ran into the kitchen.

Once done helping Sebastian, I turned around to look at the girl.

"How am I supposed to help you without any context?" Amora questioned, walking over to the girl.

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now