3 - Interesting Encounters

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I woke up to the unpleasant sight of a bright light in my eyes. Rolling over, I tried to fall back asleep. But no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't. Annoyed, I rolled over again, unfortunately I rolled a little too far as I suddenly whacked onto the floor hitting my head harshly on it. Groaning, I opened my eyes to be met with Slayers face close to mine. Making me jump, causing him to get spooked and jump onto the bed.

"Jeez- Bad words!" I exclaimed, rubbing the back of my head. Standing up, I looked over at the bed, "You alright?" I asked, the dog who was currently sitting on my bed staring at me.

In response, he came over and licked my face. Jumping back down he trotted over to the bedroom door. Sitting by it and staring at me expectantly.

"Jee, thanks." I muttered, wiping the dog slobber off of my face.

Making my way to the bedroom door, I unlocked it. Immediately I walked over to the back door letting Slayer outside. Once Slayer was out, I walked into the kitchen to make Slayer and I some food.

One question popped in my head like it did every morning, what to do today...? Well I mean clearly today started off great so what possibly could go wrong? I mean yesterday was supposed to be my chill day. Which overall I'd say it was, but there were a couple things bugging the crap out of me. Like what the League is, who are their members? and most importantly, who the hell is that Dabi guy? It's frustrating how familiar yet unfamiliar he is.

Setting down the bowl of cereal I had made, I went over and shut the back door behind Slayer. Heading back to the small table, I started eating. Pulling up my phone I started googling and scrolling through news articles about the League and its members. I was surprised to actually find some things on a few of the members.

Apparently Himiko Toga is a 17 year old, who back in middle school murdered one of her classmates. Her victims are found drained of their blood. That's not creepy at all. Though it's interesting, considering her attitude towards me. She seemed sane enough in my book. Then again I was under the effects of my quirk, anyone seems sane compared to me then.

Scrolling through, I found a few things on the villain Twice, though I haven't met him. It's interesting how his quirk works. After finding nothing on Spinner, Mr. Compress, and Magne. I looked up Tomura Shigaraki.

There wasn't too much on him other than the USJ attack and Kamino Ward. Reading through Kamino Ward I discovered that Shigaraki is apparently this super bad guy's apprentice. Which I guess is interesting? I couldn't find much on him before that. But I guess what did I expect?

Finally searching up Dabi, I found... literally nothing. Scrolling through all the reports the only thing I've found on this guy is his quirk, appearance and that he's with the League. It's like he didn't exist before the League. Frustrated, I kept digging deeper in news articles hoping to find something, anything on this guy.

While scrolling through, I misclicked on an article. The first thing I saw was an image, it was of a huge building. There were many people in the background, but standing in front of the building was a lady with black raven hair and very light brown eyes. She had a few of what looked like scars from scratching on her left eye. She was wearing a brown business outfit, smiling at the camera. Standing next to her was a guy, he had dark brown hair and light blue eyes, so light that they almost looked white. Freckles were scattered across his face. He was wearing a black suit and also smiling at the camera. Under the photo was the words, 'Narig Wonders, Incident and Losses'

Quickly I closed the tab and turned off my phone. Dropping it on the table I shook my head, ignoring what I had just seen. My head stung slightly from looking at the image. Hearing a whine next to me, I looked over to see Slayer staring at me.

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