36 - Perfect Timing

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Purple hair caught my eye as I hit the ground next to her. The whole bar was dead silent. Glancing up, my nearly white eyes met Vendetta's gray ones. Many freckles scattered across her cheeks. She looked me over, checking if I had gotten hurt. A cast caught my eye as her right arm was casted and bandaged up. A bandage was on one of her cheeks.

"You're an idiot Ketuski." she muttered before chuckling in relief.

"You're alive." I barbley mumbled as my eyes teared up. She was alive. I didn't kill her. She's breathing, she's moving. Thank god she's alive. "I'm so sorry."

"We're going to have to talk-" her voice died out as she looked down. A warp gate sat under her feet but she didn't fall through. "Well, that's new." she mumbled.

Suddenly the ground vanished from under me again. Before I could even start to fall I felt myself being yanked away from Vendetta and the warp gate. Warmth engulfed me as Dabi held me next to him, his grip on my arm not loosening.

Muttering caught my ear. Without a word Shigaraki gestured Vendetta to come to the bar. It was silent as she walked over to them. She set down a light blue backpack next to Shigaraki before jumping over the counter to hug Kurogiri. I noted the fact that Shigaraki was closer to me than earlier. Kurogiri muttered something as he looked Vendetta over. She looked a little annoyed with whatever he was saying but overall she looked content to be home.

Shigaraki watched Vendetta and Kurogiri talk before glaring at Dabi and I. Other than gesturing Vendetta over here and the few steps it looked like he took earlier, he didn't move any closer. I didn't know what to make of it. What to think.

"Let's go." Dabi muttered so quietly I barely caught his words. Without answering him he walked over towards the exit with me in tow. His grip on my arm slid to my wrist so as to not drag me too harshly.

"Dabi, I need to talk to her." Vendetta exclaimed behind us.

He paused, glancing back his eyes landed on the bar.

Vendetta sighed as she jumped up onto the counter, not sitting on it. "Jeez, the tension in here is insane." She commented, glancing around.

Everyone stayed silent. My body told me to flee. I hated the tension, it was tough enough that I could probably use a knife to cut through the air. I hated the whole situation. But overall I was just relieved that she was alive. This wasn't at all how I expected my day to go.

"Okay then..." she awkwardly stated, "I guess I'll talk first." Jumping off the counter she walked over to her bag. She searched through it for a moment before pulling out a black raven's feather.

Suddenly it clicked in my head. No wonder she didn't fall through the warp gate. But last I saw it I left it with Eri? Did she find it during the Overhaul mission? Did Eri have it on when I found her? All I brought up was blank as I tried to remember if Eri had it or not when I grabbed her. How did Vendetta find that? How'd I forget about it?!

Shigaraki grabbed Vendetta's arm when he noticed the feather in her hand, his pinky finger didn't touch her probably to be cautious of his quirk. "Don't give that to her." he stated.

"Is it yours?" she questioned, seeming to already know the answer.

He stayed quiet.

"The magical feather isn't yours, it's hers. So give me a good reason why I shouldn't return it."

"She tried to kill you."

Vendetta glanced at me. She seemed to read my expression before turning back towards Shigaraki, "It definitely seems that way, but let's try using our head instead of our anger to think for a minute."

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now