2 - Strange Vile

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The feeling of soft fur brushed my arm. A moment later a crushing weight of fluff on my stomach woke me up. I launched up, causing Slayer to fall over. He whined at me as he sat up off the floor.

"Well, dude don't lay on my stomach! You're a giant fluffy ball. Do you even know how heavy you are?"

He ignored me and walked out of the bedroom.

"Oh, I see how it is."

Standing up I followed him to the backdoor. Once I let him outside I headed back inside to change. Once dressed, I threw on a comfy baggy sweatshirt. I had a feeling that it was going to be a cold day. Walking back into the living room I let Slayer back inside. He walked into the kitchen sniffing his bowl. Once deducting that it was empty he sat by it waiting for food.

So I'm dropping Slayer off at the groomers at nine, which is... I looked at the clock on the oven as I filled Slayer's bowl. In about an hour. His appointment is normally a few hours meaning I could either walk around town or stay at home like a hermit... Well, I could walk around town and draw things. I'll definitely be grabbing a donut at the bakery.

Glancing down I noticed that I had finished up a bowl of cereal. Grabbing the bowl I went over to clean the dishes. Next I went hunting for my sketchbook. It took me a minute to find it as I forgot that I had placed it on the floor by my chair the night before.

I looked at the drawing of the bowl of hands, "I wonder why he wears those things..."

Setting the sketchbook and a couple of pencils inside a small black backpack I set it by the front door. Then I went to the tv. I mean there's no harm in looking at the news. If he's so popular there's gotta be something interesting.

Flipping on the channel, the news reporter was in the middle of talking about the weather. Apparently, today was going to be chilly. Like I had thought. After the weather guy was done a news lady popped up.

"Today we are going to talk about the Leader of the infamous League of Villains Tomura Shigaraki who was last seen with an arm injury from fighting the Pro Hero Cheshire, before falling into a warp gate. Dabi and Kurogiri, the other two League members fighting with Tomura Shigaraki, managed to escape after badly injuring the hero Hare. Currently, we don't know the whereabouts of the League of Villains, but we believe that Tomura Shigaraki has been split up from the League. If you see this man please call the police immediately. Now back to you John."

Another guy appeared, who was apparently interviewing the Pro Hero Kamui Woods.

I shut off the TV. So, they still think he's separated from the league. I wonder what would've happened if I had turned Shigaraki over to the White Rabbit... Well, I definitely wouldn't have gotten to play Phasmotobia with him that's for sure.

Something gently hit my leg. Looking to my left my eyes landed on Slayer who was holding his dark red leash in his mouth. Taking it from him I clipped it onto his collar. Putting on my shoes, I slid my phone into my backpack before setting it onto my shoulder.

Unlocking and opening up the front door I let Slayer take the lead towards town. I let my thoughts wander. I should check if I got the job. I mean there's a chance I didn't but based on the lady's reaction to me asking it seemed that I was one of the only ones to actually apply and she does make killer donuts. Hopefully, I'll get the recipe if I get the job because making those at home would be awesome! Too bad I wouldn't have anyone to share them with though... I mean dogs can have some vanilla right? I could probably give Slayer a little bit of a donut.

We were almost at the groomers when I started to notice a few more heroes patrolling than usual. In fact, a few weren't from the area which was a bit weird. Some of the TVs were playing the news where the lady had shown up again. She was now talking about UA high school and about the new dorms.

The Blood Puppeteer { BNHA Villains x fem!OC }Where stories live. Discover now