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Dad takes a seat while we all look at him with disbelief. A chance to help everyone, and he refuses?

"It's too dangerous out there. We need to stay here and play it safe." Dad simply explains as if that was enough of a reason to do this. The problem is when Dad makes up his mind about something, he does his best to see it to the end. Convincing him is difficult unless we have some sort of leeway.

I see Katie's face lights up, and I feel relieved. Looks like she's got something. "Play it safe?" She repeats, not hiding the tone that she finds this unbelievable. "When Rick Mitchell brought a live, non-neutered feral possum into our home, did he play it safe? No."

We all remember Katie, Mom, and Aaron, hanging outside the bathroom, gripping onto golf clubs as Dad and I help bathe the animal. "He named him Gus, and made him a member of the family," Dad looks back to the members outside, only for the possum swiftly cut him on the face a few times. I back up a bit in fear while Dad just laughs. "And we all got rabies that one time."

We all return to the present. "But now we're immunized, and we're stronger for it," Katie says with a smile. "Okay, I see what you're doing." Dad sighs, but Katie isn't done.

"When we went hiking and halfway up the mountain, it said 'trail closed'. Did we play it safe then?" Katie asks, bringing up another memory. Dad chuckles. "No. We didn't."

"That's right!" Katie agrees. "We forged ahead, through the mud and grime, got to the top of the mountain, and yelled Kings of Michigan! Then it got dark, we got lost, and we burned our clothes for warmth, but it was worth it to see the looks on our neighbor's faces when we burst into their backyard naked and covered in dirt." Mom held a hand to her chest as she smiles fondly. "I love that." She says with her voice cracking slightly. 

"Now we always know to bring extra clothes." I laugh, recalling every time our bags almost burst when we finish packing for a trip.

"We have a chance to save the world, and we're gonna do it." Katie declares. "Because Rick Mitchell taught us to be bold and never play it safe." Katie stays silent for a breath a moment and then talks to Dad in a soft voice. "The world needs you. I need you."

I feel tears sting my eyes. This is a big step for Katie to admit she needs him. I know it can be hard for her to say that, and I feel proud that she's reaching out this far for him.

"I thought I didn't anymore...but I do." Dad looks at Katie, a glimmer of hope sparking into his eyes. "You, you mean that?" He asks.

"Yeah. I mean, right, guys?" Katie calls us to back her up. "I mean, c'mon hon. Let's do it!" Mom says, hyping up. Mom's getting it, Mom's in." Katie points out. Aaron woops.

I bounce up and down towards my girlfriend and put her in a death gripped hug. "We gonna save the world!" I then furiously kiss her cheek. Katie giggles and tries to lean away.

We all look to Dad expectantly, hoping for a better result than last time.

Dad smiles and gets up, holding out his hand, palm faced down. "Alright let's do this."

We all put our hands on top of one another as Dad commands. "Mitchell family on three." He says three and we all say it and realized we mess up. I loudly laugh at our screw up and others join. "We'll get it soon," I assure them. I walk with Mom and Dad to collect some things we might need for the journey. 

I suddenly hug Dad by the arm and look up at him. "I'm happy you guys are trying. I'm sure this won't be for nothing." Dad smiles at my words and pats my head. "Thanks, sweetie."

Katie's POV

I go to join my parents and girlfriend, by Aaron stops me. "It's cool seeing you and Dad being friends again." He says with a grin.

I grab onto my little brother's shoulder and pull him away a little bit so we can talk in private. I place my hands on my knees so I can lower myself to his level. "Oh, I was just telling him what he wants to hear," I tell him the truth.

"I didn't mean a word of that. I just wanna get mine and y/n's future back and get away forever. We're getting out of this." I say, excited over what's going to happen. "Raptor bash." I snarl, offering him our secret handshake.

Aaron gives it back, and I stand up straight.

"Robots, montage music. Go!"

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