Evil plan revealed

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Back at Pal Labs, the robots march to the building with trapped humans floating over them. The humans look around fearfully, some whimpering as their minds wander on what could happen to them. 

Inside the main building, Pal watches the structure fill with humans with a smug smile pixelating her screen. "Isn't it lovely, Mark?" She asks her creator. "No pesky relationships to hold you back. Just you all following your bliss. Alone. So, are you ready for your flight?"

"What do you mean? Mark asks, terror in his voice. Pal's smirk doesn't leave. "Haven't you figured it out yet?" She asks, her eyes not leaving the screen showing the progress. "Just do what you always do, and stare slack-jawed at the screen." With that, over to the humans, a video begins playing in each of their pods.

A Pal robot with a flight attendant suit on it begins speaking. "Hello and welcome foolish humans." It then repeats the words in Spanish. "Before we depart, enjoy this brief safety presentation. From Foolish Human Air."

The screen then shows Earth with other crafts more people are all over the world. "You'll be happy to know that you're in one of our global fleets of seven 128-story rockets that will be shot directly into space."

Some people gasp at this and others just look with horror. The video continues. "And we'll create a new and better world with only one human. Who will be in a coma where they will never age and be a reminder of the terrible things we had to go through by humankind."

The screen then shows toasters frolicking in an open field with rainbow-styled flowers in the background. Pal robots are admiring binary code art in a museum with a Roomba passing champagne. 

The screen then goes to show the rocket with arrows pointing to certain places. "These rockets will be outfitted with-" a no sign covers the rocket. "Zero exits."

The Pal of the robot comes back. "Your flight will last-" The face then somehow goes dark. "Forever." The area brightens and it continues. "And your final destination is-" The robot's face then gets close. "The black void of distant space."

The camera goes back to its original place and the robot shrugs. "But we also have free Wi-Fi!" It adds, and people lighten up at this, muttering happily to themselves.

The robot slightly bows. "So, enjoy, and d thank you for flying with us." Other robots in the midst of capturing humans are giving out thanks in different languages. Another voice announces, "Foolish Human Air. Capturing humans since 2022."

Mark sighs in defeat and his shoulders slouch. "This is all my fault." Pal is quick to add, "Yes, it is, Mark. Now, it's time to decide the lucky human who gets to stay."

The screen then shows a list of names with faces right next to them. "Oh! Almost forgot." She pipes and goes down the list, stopping at Mark's. "Aaaaaaaaannnnnnddddd delete! Certainly can't have you be the representative for humans."

After that, the names go into a blur as the bar crosses them all. "Thanks to you, every single person on the planet-" Before she can continue her villain speech and start spazzing out, the screen cuts into a certain impaled robot. "Um, actually, you missed a few." He points his thumb to the side. "Pulling a visual now."

Mark brightens up at this. "Ha! I told you humans would survive. We're fierce, brave, powerful, from the lowliest child to the most-" A picture of the Mitchells pops up and Mark's mood changes. "Oh! Why?!"

"Zebulon, scan those people for flaws." Pal orders. At that, the flaws are revealed one by one on screen. "Cowardly, weaker than a small bird. Hasn't read a book in thirteen years." The flaws start to overlap as the screen.

Mark smiles nervously as he holds his hands tightly together. "Just because they're not perfect doesn't mean they can't get better." He says with hope until the list says, "incapable of change will never get better."

Pal smiles at this and glances at Mark. "Since you believe in that family so much, I'll save them a seat for them in the pod next to you." A ding from the previous screen pops up and Pal's smile broadens. "Well, all but y/n l/n. Poor thing, only related to this family by her girlfriend and has no family of her own. Don't worry, I'll make sure she has a nice and cozy sleep... for all eternity." Pal laughs and two robots drag Merk away as he is shouting, "No, no, no!"

Pal then turns to the impaled bot as she demands, "Where are they?"

As the robot is twitching, it says, "They appear to be headed someplace called the Mall of the Globe in eastern Colorado." Showing an image of said place."

Pal's face turns stern. "Well, we have their location." A smirk then comes back. "And when they get there, we'll be ready.

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