This ends now

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Katie looks surprised while Rick speaks up. "Linda! Yeah! Where have you been hiding? I could get into this."

The scary robots stop and shake. "The lavender one has found us. We must retreat!" They look for a place to run, but Linda has her eyes on them. "Too late, scumbags!" She turns to Aaron and holds his cheek. "Hold on tight, sweetie. Mommy's got ya." She gives the boy a smooch then screeches like a barbarian.

In a swift manner. she cuts all the enemies, making them explode. She catches up with the rest of her family and goes into the middle. They all continue to slash the robots while everyone on the rocket watches intently.

With the Poseys, the dad squints his eyes. "So, our weird neighbors are saving the world?" He tries to clarify, and the mom nods. "Yes, they are, Jim."

Katie sees an opportunity and points up. "Now!" She cries. The third bot catches a bot with his beam and slams it in the diamond, making a small area of the wall collapse.

"We'll distract them. Now, go break that phone and get your girlfriend." Rick orders and points at the new friend. "You go with her." Making the robot salute and follow Katie to the hole in the wall.

"You, get y/n out of here. AND BE CAREFUL WITH HER!" She orders. The new member salutes and heads to the girl who's tilting her head up to get some air.

The two go in and Katie dashes to Pal, who's panicking in the hands on her robot assistant. Katie goes to pry Pal out while the phone is screeching. "No, somebody stop her! Oh my gosh, please stop her!"

Katie is able to pry Pal off, but gasps when she sees many dark robots come her way. "Yes, my queen." Katie bolts to the hole while avoiding the enemy. "You cannot stop us. You are just a human."

"I'm not a human." Katie grunts. She, Eric, and the third bot along with y/n still contained leap out of the diamond. The girl's eyes land on a pool down below and she chucks the phone.  "I'm a Mitchell!"

Before Katie can fall further, Eric grabs her hand and pulls her up on the top of a concrete wall.

Pal sees where she's heading, and she screams. "No! No!" She closes her eyes, bracing for impact, but she bounces off an umbrella. She sees this and smiles.

Aaron is quick to shout. "Monchi, catch!" The dog perks up on the command. He looks at the phone and slowly his eyes move to focus on the phone, his head shaking slightly with straining.

Pal gasps, watching as the dog leaps to the electronic with his mouth wide open. But the phone bounces off his nose and she laughs. "You idiot." Unfortunately, the phone lands in a full glass of water. She begins to glitch out like crazy. "No! Not a glass of water!"

Mid scream, she stops, and Katie speaks up. "You know what this reminds me of?" The screaming ape returns and it laps with Pal until she shuts down and a wave spreads around the world.

All the robots fall to the ground, deactivated, along with Eric and the new robot. The wave also hits the rocket, causing it to fall to the ground. Once the rocket hits the ground, the road and car are crushed easily, but all the humans in the pod remain unharmed.

All the pods open up and everyone safely gets down. While all friends and family rush over to embrace one another, the Mitchells are floating above the ground. The land on the ground, Linda landing much harsher on hers.

Abby Posey notices them and points. "Look, Mom, the Mitchells." The mother and father rush over to Linda. "Thanks, Linda. You guys were incredible." The mom says, looking Linda up and down. "I gotta say, I'm a little jealous."

Linda gets bashful. "What? You guys are jealous of us?" Mrs. Posey holds clasped hands over her chest. "You're so brave and so authentic. And you know what, Linda? You've inspired me... to follow you on Instagram."

Linda is confused. "Wait. You don't follow me already?" The neighbor holds a hand up. "You're welcome, Linda." She takes Linda's hand in hers and says more softly. "You're welcome."

Aaron sees Abbey and he gasps. He rushes over to her and stops a few feet away from the girl. "Uh, uh, Abbey Posey, I-I-I just wanna say," He places both hands on his cheeks and looks away. "I think you're neat, and I wonder if you could come over and talk about dinosaurs casually sometime!" He opens an eye to look at the girl.

With a smile, she says, "Um, sure, I'll talk about dinosaurs." She then looks at the boy's clothes. "I like your shirt, but I wish that T-rex had feathers on it to make it more-"

"Scientifically more accurate." They both say at the same time. Aaron starts to giggle nervously, staring at the girl before him. He breaks and runs to the rubble of the street behind him. "I'm kidding! I hate you! You never heard any of this!" He trips over the rubble and stumbles. "Goodbye forever!"

Aaron catches up with his parents and hugs his mom's leg, making Rick laugh. "I need to have a talk with that boy."

Linda perks up in realization. "Where are the girls?" Rick understands what she means. "Girls? Girls!" He calls out for the two until he hears Monchi barking.

They run to where the dog is, finding a pit where Eric and Deborah drag Katie onto a picnic table and the third robot is hold y/n in its arms, both are not awake.

Linda holds her hands over her mouth. "Oh, my god." Rick shakes his head. "Aw, kids." They all hop down into the pit and run to the girls.

Y/n is laid beside Katie and Rick hover over them. "Girls." He calls out, shaking their shoulders. Rick leans closer. "Katie! Y/n!"

Katie groans. "Dad." Y/n follows. "Come closer." Rick does so, flinching slightly as the two cough. "Closer." Katie pleads. And Rick does so.

Suddenly, Monchi is pulled out and licks Rick. The man recoils. "Ah! Dang it!" He stares at the smiling teenagers and laughs. "You knuckleheads!"

Everyone is laughing, including the three robots, making Rick confused. "Shouldn't you three be, uh, dead?"

"Yeah, I was wondering where the other one came from." Y/n points out and Eric explains. "Our malfunction appears to have saved us." The third one chimes in. "I also had something heavy land on me, causing me to malfunction as well. This happened in Italy, so that is why I have only joined you just now.

Debrorah leans to the two. "Brothers, what is death?" Linda puts her palms together. "Let's uh, just put a pin in that one."

Rick slowly helps the girls up and Linda takes out a camera. "Hey, can we get a picture here or what?" She hands the camera to Eric and boops him. "We're making memories here, baby."

The two walk up a small hill. Y/n's arm is around Katie's shoulder, her leg hurting a bit. They all huddle, and Linda holds onto the robot blaster. "Okay, everyone smile."

At that, she shoots a beam, and a picture is taken, with everyone being hit with the force of the blast. Not the best picture, but definitely a keepsake.

As people are distracted, laughing as they are now free, none of them catch sight of a small figure with a dark hoodie walking over to the pool, the area left unharmed. The phone of the malfunctioning Pal lay there until a hand took it out with rubber gloves with a thumb and forefinger. The voice groans a bit nervously at this. "Imma need a lot of rice for this....and a stone cell isolated from electricity. Not that dumb." The person chuckles as they put the phone into a ziplock bag and walk behind a building, a flash of red appearing before going away.

The Mitchell's and L/N vs. the MachinesWhere stories live. Discover now