Messy plan B

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3rd POV

As Rick solemnly stares outside, he gets surprised when a bunch of Pal robots flies to the ground and a car screech on the road. Rick places his hands on the wall of the pod as he recognizes the driving. "Katie?"

In the car, Katie clutches the steering wheel and is panicking. "I have no idea what I'm doing!" She takes a glance at the photo album, showing a picture of her parents and girlfriend. "Hang on, guys." She then glares at the red diamond. "Better watch out, Pal, because I've broken six phones in my life accidentally, but I'm gonna break you on purpose."

Pal's face goes red. "How is no one stopping her? Begin the quick and easy kill for the tolerable human!" At her demand, the bright blue liquid starts flowing in the containment, making, y/n press her back to the glass and raise her toes.

One robot land in front of the car and readies his beam. "I'm on it!" However, Katie is determined and looks to Monchi, who's tied to the front of the car in a toddler car seat. "Dog Sheild, activate!"

The robot sees Monchi and tries to determine if it's a dog or a pig, and soon sparks as Eric and Deborah did. The car runs over the bot and continues its way.

She goes to smile but sees a bunch of cars pile in her way. She tries to think of something, and an idea comes to mind. She grabs the stick shift. "Up the mountain."

Rick sees what Katie is doing and slowly mutters to himself. "Across the stream."

At the same time, the two shout, "AND DOWN THE RIVER!"

Katie flies off the car pile and all robots around the short circuit once they see Monchi. The car lands and Katie swerves to the side, looking up at the contained humans. "Thanks, Dad"

Rick laughs victoriously. "Oh, did you see that, buddy?" He dances around a bit. "My daughter listened to me! That's my girl."

Katie doe a 180 and stops, making all the chasing robots malfunction and get out of the way. Dad sees what she's doing. "The dog. That's genius." But he frowns at the remaining ones. "Oh, but there's so many of 'em. She's never gonna make it." An idea strikes him. "Wait. If that video were on those screens, it would take out every robot in her way." He then looks to Mark. "Hey, you're a big nerd, right?"

Mark tilts his head. "Huh?" Rick points to the screens. "How would I do that?" Mark sighs. "It's impossible. First, you'd need to get out of here." He pulls at the screwed panel. "The controls are in here. But to open it, you need a number 3 Robertson head non-slip screwdriver?" He scrunches his face. "What kind of maniac has one of those in his pockets at all times.

Rick pulls out his tool and slowly smiles. "This kind of maniac."

As Katie keeps avoiding the robots and one of them notes, "She keeps anticipating our maneuvers. How is this possible?" At a nearby roof of a building, Aaron smugly chuckles as he looks at them with binoculars. "Oh, I don't know. You tell me." He then screeches like a dino. He snatches the walkie-talkie and holds it close. "Swerve right, now!"

Katie does just that and some bots crash into a billboard. "Thanks, raptor one." Katie snarls and Aarn snarls back. "No problem, raptor two, just get raptor three along with Mama and Papa raptor."

With Rick, he finishes unscrewing the panel and rips out a card. The wall fades away and Mark gets excited. "There you go!" The man hops out and points to the side. "All right, so that's the place that controls the screen, right?" He gestures to a control room. "I go there and find Katie's video on YubTub?" He slows down, not remembering the name.

"YouTube. Wow." Mark corrects the dad. "There's no way you're gonna be able to do this." Rick's brows raise and he looks over to his wife. "I know who can give me a hand."

"And, hey, Rick, right?" Mark starts and tightens his jaw. "Just so someone knows, I'm sorry about causing the whole machine uprising. It's almost like stealing people's data and giving it to a hyper-intelligent AI as a part of an unregulated tech monopoly was a bad thing."

Rick stares at Mark. "Yeah, that wasn't your best idea." He then looks at the paused video. "But if what you built helped my daughter do that, it might not be all bad."

Mark gives a grateful smile and Rick rushes over to Linda. "Linda, we got to get you out of there." He presses his hands onto the wall. "Your gonna need your-" The wall falls, and Linda rolls her eyes. "Number 3 Robertson head non-slip screwdriver."

Rick shrugs his shoulder. "I said it was a great anniversary gift." Linda holds up a hand. "Rick, Rick, let's not relitigate this." She runs out and Rick follows. "You're right. You're always right."

"I know. Why is this news to you?"

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