A few months later

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Y/n's POV

Katie and I laugh as we stare at the magazine before us. There we were on the cover, not looking great as we recoil from the explosion beside us. "This is the photo you picked?" Katie wonders. I look up to the passenger seat. "Mom, we look horrible."

Mom looks at us through the rear-view mirror. "I like it. It looks like us." She shrugs. I go to say something else, but Katie taps on my shoulder, making me look and see that we arrived at the college. We both look at the building in fascination. All kinds of people are walking around, talking with one another.

We arrive at the main building and the car stops. We all get out and set Katie and I's bags down. We turn our back to the steps of the building and look at our family.

"You gonna be okay, y/n? You made sure to take your meds and extra bandages?" Mom asks me, gesturing to my leg and non-dominate arm in a cast. I softly chuckle. "I'll be fine, Mom. I have 'My Special Lady' and John Doe to take care of me when I need help." I motion to a now blushing Katie who's holding her face and the third robot, now named John Doe.

John Doe holds up a finger. "I will see to it y/n heals properly while also physically and mentally comfortable in college." Katie stuffs her hands in her pockets and looks at our parents and brother. "Well, I guess this is it." She kicks the ground.

Dad gets nervous as well. "Yep." We all go quiet until Katie's phone chirps. She pulls her device out and looks at the screen. "Hey, Dad, you subscribed to my YouTube channel?" I peek over her shoulder and smile at this. "Thanks. I'm surprised you even figured out how."

Dad scoffs. "Katie, please. After all that, I'm a computer expert." I raise a brow as I remember Dad trying to use one. "Am I doing this right? Should I update my software?" He screams, typing on the computer like a madman. Mom was behind him, crying. "Just hit enter! Hit enter!" Dad then screamed. "I accidently ordered 122 Swiffers on Amazon! What did I-" Dad was sobbing in a corner of the room, later. He then was slamming something on the monitor.

Back the present, dad is giving a tight smile. "You know, uh, no problem at all." Katie shifts the backpack on her shoulder. "Thanks. It... it means a lot to me." She kneels down to Aaron. "Hey. Don't let the world make you normal while we're gone, okay?"

Aaron shows off his shirt with his face on a T-rex. "I never will." I use my crutch to lower myself enough to place my hand on the boy's shoulder. "We'll call you every week."

"Deal. Raptor bash?" He asks with a snarl. We do a raptor bash and Katie scoops the boy over her shoulder. "Come here, you little goober." She jokes, making Aaron laugh. "Put me down!"

She sets the boy down and we go over to Monchi. "Goodby, you king of kings." I coo, giving the pug a kiss on the head. Katie helps me up and we hug Mom. "Thanks for being the best mom in the world." Katie mutters. Mom kisses our heads and sways us around. "We love you, girls." She perks up and reaches into her car, taking out the photo album. "Oh, and here, to remember us."

Katie opens the book to see some new additions. "Every horrible picture we've ever taken." Katie closes the book, and she smiles softly. "Thanks. It's... it's heavy." Mom nods and holds a hand to her chest. "I know."

Dad shifts around nervously, clearing his throat. "Wish we didn't have to go, but uh... good luck, uh, finding your people."

Katie looks Dad in the eyes. "Dad, come on. You guys are my people." Mom, Dad, and Aaron smile at Katie along with me as she continues. "So, you know, when I'm sad to be alone..." She pulls out the wooden moose she always had. "I'll always have... my favorite thing." She holds it out for Dad to see, making him start to cry.

Katie wraps her arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. "And my special lady." She then looks over to Dad again. "Do you remember how a moose says I love you?"

She then bellows, making me be taken aback with a laugh. We all start bellowing loudly, not minding that people are staring at us with weird looks on their faces.

We all stop and laugh together. "Don't laugh. You're supposed to be sad." Katie jokes. She then rushes over to Dad, enveloping him in a hug. Dad quickly hugs her back.

We all join the hug with John Doe on the side, holding onto our bags. We break from the group hug and make our way up the steps, John Doe helping me. We reach the doors but look back to take one last look at Dad, who is smiling at us. The two of us watch as our family drive off, waving us goodbye.

I sniff and Katie glances to me. "Aw, babe." She places a hand on my shoulder as I start crying. "That was beautiful. with you and Dad."

Katie laughs and help me get into the building with John Doe close behind.

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