Blackfriday fight

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We all tense up as the appliances bounce over to us. My eyes stay on a washing machine stop and go over its settings. "Delicates, fluff 'n' fold, CARNAGE!" All the lightbulbs in each machine turn to an alarming red. Dad turns to us, his voice loud in panic. "I thought that kill code thing take 'em out!"

Katie holds the laptop closer, and her eyes go bigger. "Yeah, but it's only at 12%!" Once she makes note of that, a beep is heard, and we look to see a soda machine aiming one of its hard contents at us. "Would you like a soda?" It asks and shoots out a can.

I put a hand on Katie's head and push her down harshly, making the can get stuck in the glass behind us. Mora soda machine shoots out more beverages and a drone swoop in, getting hold of the laptop.

Katie shouts, but her grip on the device tightens and she can swing the drone to the ground while I watch the rest come closer. "Let's get out of here!"

We all run to the crowd and shove any attacking wares. We climb up on a nearby counter but stop when we see computers barking at us. "WHY ARE THEY ACTING LIKE DOGS?!?!"

Dad ignores my question and points to a sports store. "We need weapons. Grab anything without a chip." With a nod, we all make our way to the store either by hopping on the electronics or running on the ground.

We reach the store and grab something. Dad holds up a tennis racket with a victorious smirk. "It's game time!" The racket then lights up and a voice pipes up from the object. "I'm Smart Racket!" It then proceeds to smack Dad in the face. "Why does a tennis racket have a chip in it?" Dad groans.

A scream makes Katie and I turn to see Mom being taken away by a recliner. "Mom!"

As Mom tries to get off, the chair activates. "What? What are you- oh. Ooh, what are you doing?" She then relaxes into the chair, clearly loving what it's doing.

Katie and I reach to Mom and hold our hands out. "Mom!" Mom looks away with a pout. "No." She mutters before letting out a yelp when we snatch her from the chair.

We catch up to the boys and see Dad swatting away drones. "How you doing, Aaron?" Aaron whimpers. "Not good." He holds the shovel close to his chest while backing up. "There's a pack of wild vacuums.

(Wait, that's how you spell it? *Checks dictionary* It is? Huh, you learn something new every day.)

The Roombas all roll forward in a pattern as the leader speaks. "We have been summoned into the field of battle. Forward." Just a bit further, they reach the escalator, but a trip at every step-down. Once at the bottom, all pile up to where they can't move, making Aaron chuckle. "Never mind."

As Katie tries to take a swing at the opponents, she grunts in frustration. "How am I supposed to use a fishing rod?" Dad sops his cart of a tire wheel and axe with a smile. "A fishing rod is perfect!" He shoves the cart into an oncoming mob, damaging a good chunk of them.

Dad and Katie run as they look at the rod in the girl's hand. You can bring down those drones. Ten and two." He shifts his fist position and Katie follows. "There you go."

Katie smiles fondly at Dad and casts her hook on a drone. Once she snags it, a malicious grin is on her face, and she flings it into an open microwave. Once it is, a fiery explosion booms out, hitting the surrounding robots.

As Dad and Katie laugh, the two gasp when a baseball pitching machine rolls slowly toward them. "You're out of the game!" The machine fires a ball right for Katie's face.

The girl is pushed down a crack rings through her ears. Katie laughs as she sees me holding a baseball bat. "This is just like the Zombie apocalypse, only they're harder and smarter!" I Scream and hit some more balls, making them and disabling more machines.

Dad grabs my shoulder and pulls me, making me join the others as we run. Dad swerves to a store and opens the door as we turn a corner. We all bolt in, not taking in what we might go into. We all hide behind some cardboard and wait for our attackers to pass by us.

Once things outside are quiet, Dad takes a peek. "Oh, thank gosh." He sighs. Before we can let out a breath of relief, a familiar giggle fills the room. As I recall the sound, my blood runs cold. "Nonono."

In the dark, we approach a shelf with some contents. Dad grumbles. "Uh, hold on a second." He lights up the match and holds it out to the shelf. A sign becomes readable and we all back up, all of us but Aaron knows. "What? What's a Furby?"

The Furby's eyes open and they all giggle that laugh sends shivers down my spine. "Well, that's haunting." Mom nervously laughs as we back out of the door, only to look up and see more of them on the railing of the floor above us.

One of them says something and I suddenly feel more eyes on me. I look to see the family looking at me expectantly. My eyebrow twitches. "Oh, so just because I learned furbish at 12, I remember the language?" The family averts their eyes and for a bit, I sigh. "Behold, the twilight of man."

At this, the Furby's laugh and fall to us. We all try to avoid them, but one lands on Aaron's head, to which Dad shoots a bow at it, hitting it right in the head, and pushes it to the ground. The other Furby looks in shock and one of them speaks up.

"Y/n?" Mom calls out to me and I back further to the group. "We must have vengeance. Summon the... elder WE NEED TO GO NOW!"

The toys then start chanting, which is followed by heavy thumping. The wall to the toy store breaks open, revealing a huge Furby screaming. I lightly smack Katie and begin to breathe heavily. "YOU DON'T WANNA KNOW WHAT HE JUST SAID!"

Katie turns the laptop away. "WHY WOULD SOMEONE BUILD THAT?" Dad shoots some arrows at it, but the giant keeps stumbling forward. "Run!" Dad commands and we all turn tail. As we run, a beam of hot light hits our left and the other electronics find us and try to attack.

We all swerve left and right, avoiding another beam. As we run, I'm side by side with Eric until I'm shoved to the side and a crash ring into my ears. I push myself up and see Eric on the ground with a pillar holding him down.

"Eric!" I rush to his side and Mom joins me. We bend down and lift the metal enough for Eric to crawl out. Mom and I grab the robots' hands as we bolt. "Thank you, human. Are you now my mother?" Mom looks at the robot questioningly. "Uh, sure."

"We reach a dead end and stop. Katie holds the laptop. The upload is almost finished. Come on!" More thudding makes us flinch at every step. "Mom, Dad, what are we going to do?" Aaron asks.

Dad frantically looks around until his eyes spot something. "Grab the lights." We all grab wired string lights and bring them to Dad. He grabs the lights and begins tying them. "Remember when I made that wild game snare in the front yard?"

We all recall the moment he was mercilessly attacked by possums while in the air. Aaron snaps out of it first. "Uh, are you sure about that?"

"Your whole lives, I've always wanted to save you from danger, and this is just the disaster I've been waiting for." We all make sounds of bafflement and disapproval, not liking what he said at all.

Sorry for the late update. I have reasons. Work, school..........

And dead space by Mark, Jack, and Superhorrorbro.

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