Chapter Two

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What am I doing? The thing I said I wasn't going to do...breaking my weekly updates I'm saying expect weekly but enjoy the random uploads too! I'll always work to have at least one chapter spare for a weekly upload as the minimum...enjoy! Please vote and comment!


I breathed a sigh of relief when I got back to the locker where I had left my bag and everything was still perfect, just the way I had left it. I gathered it all and went to the working area of the hospitality on the second floor, quickly finding a plug socket and began charging my laptop and my camera, switching both on so that I could begin the data transfer immediately and sort through the photos. I began by deleting all of the ones I knew would absolutely not work, after that, I still had around sixty photos that I thought could become good photos and so I forced myself to choose fifteen. After around twenty minutes of that, I added preset photo edits to fourteen of them, fixing them slightly if the lighting didn't quite meld so well but making sure that the theme carried through all the shots to make them cohesive.

I smiled at one I had taken of Yuki trying to knock one of the engineers, Simon, over with his scooter, the concentration of his face and the sea in the background was a perfect composition of everything I thought Alpha Tauri would want to show itself as and so I began going into further detail, clicking with my mouse and making some small edits before sending that and the fifteenth photo to my iPad.

See, I was good at taking photos and editing them so they looked classy, but the main thing I could do was take a photo and make it look like an oil painting. When I had shown these to Jerry and Tracy at my second interview they had gone crazy over them and so I wanted to give it a go. I was used to doing it on brides and their dresses so this would be different and a challenge but I was determined to use the rest of my morning to try and so that's what I did. I first sent the first thirteen photos to Jerry and then spent the next hour and a half transforming Yuki's photo into one that looked like an oil painting, chewing occasionally on the end of my apple pencil as I concentrated, one knee to my chest with my iPad resting on my leg. It would have looked really uncomfortable to anyone else but it was the only way that I could do this and so I ignored the occasional stares I got from people as they walked into the common area to see me contorted and frowning at my iPad. I zoomed out on the image and held my iPad up away from my face as I squinted at it, tilting my head to the other side to see if that would give me any new perspective.

"Oh wow, that's amazing," I hear someone say in a soft voice behind me and I jump, almost dropping my tablet in shock before catching my breath and placing it carefully on the table in front of me. I turn around slowly in my chair to see a blonde girl with incredibly tanned skin sitting behind me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you. My name's Chiara," she said introducing herself with what I thought was likely an Italian accent. She reaches a hand forward, I looked at it confused before realising what she was doing and twist myself around in my seat so that I could shake her hand.

"Jamie, new photographer." I tell her shyly and she 'ahh's' as though that explains everything.

"I'm a mechanic," she informs me and I smile nodding. "I didn't mean to pry but that is really beautiful," she says motioning to the tablet on the table and I duck my head down in recognition of her compliment.

"Thanks, it takes a while and I've never done it on something that isn't a wedding dress...but I think it came out alright?" I say questioningly as I lift it up once again tilting my head. "It's missing something but I can't...I can't work out what it is." I say as I glare at the slightly incomplete photo/painting in front of me.

"I don't think I can help you, unfortunately, if you needed an engine fixed then I'm your girl but, I don't think so," she says standing up to come and sit next to me at my table. I move my stuff out of the way to make some space for her and see her look curiously at my laptop which is displaying one of the edited photos from earlier. "You're really good," she says smiling at a photo of the engineers talking to Yuki.

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