Chapter Sixty-Nine / Epilogue

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Yo...internet I need your help - anyone got a video of someone getting proposed to in Milan in front of the Duomo on 22.5.23? Just for some friends 👀
The couple were ridiculously attractive but wearing caps and running gear? If anyone happens to have a video of it...I would appreciate it if you could attach here or send to either myself or @JMathersPhoto

Thanks for the submissions...we got a couple of different videos of our...friends 👀

JMathersPhoto with PierreGasly
Married the love of my life on 8.8.23!
While we are dad and sister managed to get some great footage from the impromptu ceremony and I can't help but share it...thanks for all the love 🤍


"Pierre, I swear to the God you believe him that if you are not here in the next five minutes I am divorcing your ass!" I scream down the phone as Chiara stands to the side of me, entirely shocked at my demeanour before pulling the phone out my hand as I let myself fall back the pillows of the hospital bed, my entire body enduring intense pain. The race had finished an hour ago and I was running out of rationale and patience for him to miss his first child's birth.

"He's on his way," Chiara tries to soothe me as she tries to dab some of the sweat off my forehead and I glare at her before it turns into a pained moan and I rub my extremely swollen stomach.

"I don't want to do this without him, where is he? He's meant to be here! I did what I was meant to do - I waited, he won the race...where is he?" I say, the tears starting to get the better of me as Chiara looks at me guiltily and just tries to calm me down, looking to the nurses and midwife in the room who are busy doing their jobs.

"Jamie, honey, you're at ten centimetres, the next time you feel the need to push, just do it," the midwife says and I open my eyes wide as my heart sinks and I shake my head - the tears flowing freely now.

"No, no I can't. I can't, please, where is Pierr-agh," I cry out and get cut off from asking Chiara my question as another contraction hits me hard and I know that the midwife is right. I need to push, I'm running out of time. Just as the tears are really about to start flowing, the door opens and a sweaty bright red Pierre is in the door frame - hair crazy and it's not just his face that is red but also the Ferrari race suit that he is wearing. "Oh thank you," I say to no one in particular as Pierre rushes towards me and takes my hands in his.

"I'm here. I got you, let's do this mon rêve, you're doing amazing," he says quickly - the words leaving him quickly as he pushes the hair off my face and I just nod as he presses a kiss to my forehead and look at the midwife who motions for Pierre to move behind me - as we had practiced in one of the pregnancy classes I had taken. This allowed for me to sit up slightly straighter as Pierre took both my hands in his and I felt him press a kiss to my neck - providing more relief than any of the pain killers I had taken.

"Let's have a baby," the midwife says with a smile and I nod tiredly as I feel the next big contraction come along, squeezing Pierre's hands to the point where I think he might not be able to drive next week. About ten minutes later, Pierre and I are still sat like that but the pain is largely gone, almost entirely healed in an instant as I hold our son in my arms, leaning back into Pierre who is totally silent as he looks over my shoulder with what I know will be stunned amazement on his face.

"You are amazing," Pierre whispers softly, pressing a kiss on my neck and I just smile.

"Thanks..." I say quietly as I look on in amazement at the delicate features of our son and Pierre chuckles.

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