Chapter Fifteen

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"What do you want Gasly?" I ask him as I'm sat in front of several monitors in one of the computer suites, my camera plugged in as I have all the photos from the shoot I did yesterday slowly scrolling through as my eyes jump between the screens, clicking on the ones that I like and want to keep from the thousands I took for the most recent Alpha Tauri campaign.

I hadn't even seen Pierre walk into the room, silent steps towards me only becoming visible when I saw his reflection in the computer screen in the middle. "Just come to see my favourite photographer," he mumbles as he pulls a wheely chair towards where I'm sat and looks between me and the screens that my eyes stay focused on - occasionally tapping the touch screens as a signal to 'like' the photos as they go through the many shots I took. I don't let my eyes gravitate towards him despite the intense pull in the back of my mind to do so.

"Sarcasm on your own time Gasly, I have three thousand photos to get through still and I need to narrow them down to thirty maximum in the next day, plus edit those thirty which means going through them..." I trail off as I see one I like, tapping it before letting the carousel of photos continue. "Going through them about nine times. This is round one," I tell him as I try to pick up from where I left off and frown as he puts his arm on the back of my chair, his eyes no longer focused on the screens but on me now instead as I chew on my bottom lip in concentration. "You're distracting me."

"I'm not doing anything," he points out and I just nod in agreement. "Me not doing anything is distracting you?" I nod again, reaching out once more to tap the photo on my right. "You want me to stop doing nothing?"

"Ideally you would go away," I mumble distractedly and I see him huff in the corner of my eye as he removes his arm from the back of my chair and just nods, before standing up and walking away and leaving me to the photos in front of me. I hear the door close behind him and sigh in relief that my focus is restored to a hundred percent with his exit.

An hour later and I'm finally done with the first round of photos. I let out a light moan as I massage my neck and lean back in my seat, clicking through to see how many photos I have left, deleting all the unused ones as I groan and see that I still have four hundred to narrow down to thirty...ideally twenty.

I pull a tired hand over my face and split them into categories, glaring at myself when I realise that I have more photos of Pierre by himself than Yuki or ones of Yuki and Pierre together. I decide to go through those ones last, narrowing down the ones of the two of them to fifteen first would be the priority then ten for each of them on their own. Plus I have to make sure that all the items of clothing are taken into consideration and as I think through this I get frustrated all over again as I curse myself for agreeing to this. I was in Milan and yet here I was, inside with my eyes starting to hurt from straining against the laptop screens as I get ready to run the programme again. I didn't regret taking the job but I did regret agreeing to the timeline I was currently working too. I rest my chin on a hand as I press enter before moving back and slouching in my seat, letting my eyes taken in each photo before it faded. The photos are just shared over two screens now as I let the last race play on the screen next to me for the back ground noise as I try to focus again, usually picking one of the two before letting them both switch. By the time I've finished that go through I still have one hundred photos left but at least that's half of what I had before I try to tell myself but just get tired, yawning as I stare at the screens.

"You should take a break," I hear Pierre say from behind me as he re-enters the room and I just hum in agreement. "Have you eaten yet?" I shake my head, aware of his eyes on me as I let mine stressfully rest on the photos in front - no longer liking either of them and so just dismiss the pair of them. The next two are similar but Yuki is slightly blurred in one and so I choose the other quickly moving on again. Pierre's hand comes over my shoulder, pressing pause and I blink my eyes in surprise as I look up at him, seeing him illuminated by the artificially bright light of the LED screens in front of me, annoyingly it's making his already sharp jawline and cheek bones stand out more and I know what I want as a concept for future photoshoots - although I will admit that he looks good in natural light too as he is in these photos - but it would match his image quite well...I shake myself out of those thoughts and instead focus on him as he holds out a bowl of pasta and a fork for me. I smile appreciatively at him before he walks away and I turn around ready to press play again before he switches on the lights in the room making me cringe slightly.

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