Chapter Ten

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"Oh my god! Stop posting my photos and not giving me credit! You're killing off my reputation!" I groan as I hit Pierre in the stomach after I drop myself onto the sofa next to him, my complaint occurs as his post comes up as suggested on my feed and I see once more that he has posted another of my photos without referencing me. He had just taken P6 in Baku qualifying, a well-earned position - not that I'd tell him that - and put up a photo I had taken of him and Pyry in the garage after FP3 to commemorate it.

Pierre grabbed my hand where I hit him and held it to his stomach, playing that he was protecting himself from my apparently violent attack. The whole moment of physical contact was confusing as hell because he was forcing my arm into an awkward position as though to purposefully annoy me but was also rubbing circles on the back of my hand with one of his fingers absentmindedly, as though it was second nature.

This wasn't the first of these strange moments of physical contact between us though. These confusing tactile interactions had become more common since the photoshoot the previous week, not that we had spent much time together, but when we had, the verbal insults now usually involved some sort of physical touch; a light punch, elbow in the stomach...

I'd taken to pinching him. Not on places that hurt and usually just in passing, always managing to find the only two centimetres of fat on his body each occasion that I did so...which was basically every time that I walked past him and he had his back turned.

It had become so normal that I had also figured out his attack pattern afterwards. He'd lift his left arm up and sweep it behind him as he turns around, to which I could duck under. Then he'd go lower with his other arm as he aims to grab some part of me to stop me from moving, which I would respond to by taking a quick step backwards before hiding somewhere. Normally behind Pyry who would hold out his arms on either side of me as protection from Pierre while I would peek over his shoulder and just meet Pierre's glare with a smug smirk. Either way, it was a good way to entertain myself throughout the day, especially right now when I was bored. When I got it slightly wrong though he would just physically restrain me by holding me tight to his chest which was fine most the time, I just had to control my dirty thoughts - but post driving session it was gross. I had learned that a couple of times over...

One time I had done it without realising that Pyry wasn't there and that was awkward as I ended up hiding behind Franz the team boss who quickly laughed it off as the rest of the team did, all of whom were quickly used to Pierre and mine's rivalry. I was appreciative that Franz didn't seem too bothered about the fact that I was almost constantly fighting with his first driver. Pyry said something about it being because of my charm but it seemed sarcastic and he mumbled under his breath a moment later about my photography skills. So I didn't really know what to think - other than making a mental note not to do it again while Franz was around.

Anyways, that brings us to now as I tried to wriggle my arm out of Pierre's firm and uncomfortable grasp, failing to do so before I just give up, angling my body towards Pierre so that it isn't quite so sore for my elbow. Pierre isn't even looking at me, he's looking at his phone - on Instagram again - and seems to not even realise he's still gripping onto my hand as he does so. Again, I try and shake his grip but he just grunts as a sign for me to stop and so I do, pulling out my phone as I bring both my legs up on the sofa, sitting cross-legged and then shove my phone in his face. "PHOTO CREDITS PLEAAAAAASSSEEEEEEEE!" I say loudly to drag it out as he tries to ignore my phone unsuccessfully before groaning and nodding reluctantly. "Now please!"

"Tu es tellement enbetent," [you are so annoying] he responds sassily and I take a deep breath to stop myself from rolling my eyes once more - a habit I really needed to get out of.

"Don't know plus don't care plus who asked plus L plus ratio," I say in a singsong voice as I lean forward to see his phone screen and smile when I see him editing the caption to give me credits as well as tagging me in the photo.

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