Spirit Week Days and Costumes

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Felicity was getting finished putting the pieces together on her arm and putting on the mask that covered the bottom half of her face.

Felicity had to admit, she had really outdone herself. Her Bucky costume was on point. The arm looked hella cool. That 3d printer really did its job. The pants weren't too tight on her body and neither was the shirt. Felicity wasn't the biggest fan of skin-tight clothing. They looked good but they just weren't comfortable.

Costume is based loosely on these two (I don't know the orginal people but props to these two):

Costume is based loosely on these two (I don't know the orginal people but props to these two):

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Felicity had found the parts to her outfit by asking her friends and searching through thrift stores

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Felicity had found the parts to her outfit by asking her friends and searching through thrift stores. You'd be surprised by what you can find at the Goodwill.

Phoebe was dressed as Captain America and she was loving it. She had Felicity 3d print the separate parts of the shield and stick them together. Phoebe then spray painted it to give it a rustic look. Phoebe pulled her hair back in a ponytail for this cosplay.

Jake in the meantime was in love with his outfit. He was a lover of all things leather. If the outfit he was wearing was on a girl, they girl might be dress coded for the fact it has no shoulder sleeves. He snuck out his window to get to school so he didn't wake his parents.

Phoebe and Jake met up before going to Felicity's house.


"Wow me? Wow you! Have you seen yourself in the mirror? Bloody hell, you look hot. I'm going to need that costume when this day is over," Phoebe complimented.

Jake blushed. "Thanks, but have you even seen yourself? You pull off Captain America like it was made for you. And that shield is incredible."

"Thanks, Fliss printed it for me."

They walked up to Fliss' front door and knocked at the same time.

"You know it isn't Halloween, right," Mickey asked as he opened the front door.

"Good morning to you, too, Mickey," Phoebe said. "Is Fliss done yet?"

"Almost. That costume is cool, Phoebe. And you make a good Scarlet Witch, Jake."

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