It's About to Go Down

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"Felicity, you can't be there," Mickey argued as he tied his tie.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want you to be there when shit goes through the roof. I have to...explain everything. All the abuse. Just...look at me for a second."

Felicity stared into Mickey's eyes.

"I can't have you there when this blows over. I don't want you to meet my father and there are gonna be things I do not want you to hear. I love you. When it's over, we'll get ice cream. I'm gonna need it. Just, take care of your brothers for me. You'll be over at the Gallagher house. Fiona's watching you guys. Lip wanted to but he's going to support Mandy.

"I like Aunt Fiona. She's nice. And she likes to talk a lot."

"Shit, what has she told you?"

"Nothing," Felicity smirked. She went to walk away before she stopped at the doorway. "Is it true you had a beard?"

"Fucking hell. Gallagher! I'm killing your sister!"

"Which one?" was the only thing Ian yelled back.

"Fiona tells our child shit from when we were teenagers!"

"Is it true you two sung 'Love is a Battlefield' while walking each other home?"

"Yes!" an exasperated Ian yelled.

"Okay, Comedy Central. Go get your brothers. We'll take you guys over."

Oliver was helping Yev pick out a shirt. He was holding up a Batman shirt and a Spiderman shirt. Yev finally had chosen the Spiderman shirt and Oliver was helping him fit it over his head.

"Hey guys," Felicity knocked on the door. "You ready?"

"We just have to get out shoes on. I'll race you, Yev."

Yev already took off before Oliver followed him. Felicity ruffled Oliver's and Yev's hair on the way down. Yev was still learning to tie his shoes and he was determined to do it himself. That was until he became frustrated and let Felicity do it for him.

"Why can't I tie my shoes?"

"Takes practice."

Yev, Oliver, and Felicity were running down the sidewalk before Ian and Mickey were hurdling after them. 

"I'm not running after them. I had to borrow Mandy's concealer to cover my tattoos. I ain't sweating that shit off."

They dropped the kids off, with a quick hug from Fiona, and were on their merry way. Ian saw that Mickey was fidgeting and wringing his hands. Ian put his hand out for Mickey to grab.

"We'll get through this."

Mickey took Ian's hand. He didn't say anything. He just looked out the window. Facing his demons was going to be a hard thing to do, even if it was just one main fucking demon.

They eventually pulled into the parking lot and walked into the courthouse. They checked in and Mickey was in shock with who had arrived.

Everybody he knew from Firehouse 51 was there. Severide, Casey, Sylvie (he sees why Ian likes her), Gallo, Cruz, etc. Even the chief was there.

"What are you guys doing here?" Mickey questioned.

"We heard what was happening," Kidd said.

"And we thought you could use some support," Hermann finished.

"Because family supports family," Chief Boden said.

"And you two will always be apart of the 51 family," Casey finished.

Mickey looked to his husband, who was smiling from ear to ear, and back at his new friends. He immediately was pulling people into group hugs and Ian was following after him.

"Hey, Sylvie," Ian said to his best friend.

"Hey, Ian," Sylvie said into his chest because she was short. She pulled back a little. "How are you doing?"

"Um, I'm holding it together. This trial is not going to be kind and friendly on Mickey and I'm worried about him. Our kids are doing great, though. Fliss' making all a's, Olli's working on his pro soccer player career, and Yev's getting into music. How are you and Casey?"

"Oh, we're good. We're taking it slow, but not too slow if you know what I mean. He's a great guy."

Ian laughed a little at the insinuation. "Yeah, he's great. And attractive."

"Oh, you haven't seen anything. His arms? So amazing! Could probably choke me if I asked and I would die happy."

"That's what Mickey says about me."

They all engaged in small talk until it was announced they had to go into the courtroom.

*A/N: I do not know anything about court or trial from anything besides tv shows (and believe me, it's been a while) so I'm either gonna time skip the trial and write about after the trial, or I'm gonna bullshit my way through witness interviews or something. Also, if you haven't watched Chicago Fire, I highly recommend it. You don't have to watch the whole series or from season one, just one episode from the newer seasons to get a little more understanding of the characters I mention. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

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