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December is cold. If you're in Florida, you're fine because it's always fucking hot except for maybe one week out of the year.

If you're in Chicago like Felicity, you're freezing your ass off.

Felicity hitting her period did not make life better. She woke up with an immense pain in her back one December morning.

She assumed she was getting sick. It wasn't until she woke up and found her blood-soaked sheets that she realized what was happening.

Felicity's first thought was "I'm dying. This is the end of me. I'm going to die before I've gotten my license."

Then, Felicity's rational thoughts chimed in.

"You've hit your period, Felicity. You're fine."

And then she went to the bathroom and cried. How was she going to tell her dads that she was bleeding? They were going to be so mad that her sheets were bloody.

She sat on the bathroom floor, crying in heavy sobs before she picked herself off and changed her pants. Felicity then walked downstairs. She flopped down on the couch.

"Fliss, what's wrong?" Ian immediately asked as he walked over to her. Felicity just rolled over on her other side and faced him.

"You've been crying."

Felicity's crying started again. She wiped her eyes and sat up.

"I-I've started my pe-period," she whispered.

"Hey," Ian said, putting his hand on her cheek. "It's okay. I'll call your Aunt Fiona and we'll help you through this."

"I bled on my sheets," Felicity lowered her head.

"Then, we'll change your sheets. We'll wash them."

Felicity lurched forward and hugged Ian. Mickey came downstairs and saw the sight.

"What's wrong with Fliss?"

"She started her period."

Mickey immediately grabbed the car keys.

"What are you doing?" Ian asked.

"Getting her the things she needs. I'll text Mandy. I'll be right back, Fliss."

He immediately opened and closed the door as he walked out it.

"Are you hurting anywhere?"

"My back."

"Wait here."

Ian got up and went to the kitchen. He got some Ibuprofen for Felicity and then grabbed a heating pad out of the downstairs closet. Ian grabbed a water and gave it to Felicity.

"I won't make you go to school today. I have to work later so I won't be here all day, but I know Mickey will be. I gotta take Oliver and Yev to school and I'll call Fiona on the way."

Oliver came down the stairs carrying Yev on his back. Yev questioned Ian on why Flissy was on the couch. Ian explained to both of them that Felicity wasn't feeling well, so she was staying home.

Ian called Fiona on his way out the door. She had a box of pads that she could give to Felicity and she went right over. 

"Hey, Felicity," Fiona greeted as she walked through the door. "I heard you started your period."

"Yeah. It's fucking hell."

"Well, I brought these for you."

"You're a lifesaver," Felicity said as she took the box from Fiona. 

"You know how these work?"

"Yes, Aunt Fiona. I was given the sex talk at six years old. I know how pads work and how to put them on."

"That's goo- wait. Six?"

"My cousin, not Shaun, showed me gay porn. That was a fun conversation. My cousin also got the sex talk that night."

Fiona decided not to question it. Felicity changed herself and came back down the stairs. She plugged the heating pad into the wall. Fiona stayed with Felicity until Mickey came crashing through the door.

"I got pads, chocolate, Pamprin, and chocolate cake from the bakery! Everything is under control!

Fiona and Felicity both stared up at him from where they were watching Friday the Thirteenth.

"Ooh, Jared Padalecki. Scoot your asses over."

Mickey got three forks and brought the chocolate cake over to the couch and made himself comfortable on the other side of Fiona, putting her as the one in the middle. Mickey took the top off the cake and dug his fork into it.

"If it weren't for Ian," Mickey said, "I would climb Jared Padalecki like a tree."

"I thought you wanted to climb Jensen like a tree?"

"Him too."

Fiona did eventually have to leave to take care of the Gallagher house. Felicity and Mickey sat together on the couch and watched old episodes of Supernatural.

"You hurting anywhere, Blue's Clues?"

"Not right now."

Mickey was sitting with his arm on the back of the couch. Felicity slowly leaned into his embrace until she was lying on his shoulder.

"Why'd they have to kill Bobby? He was such a wonderful character."

Felicity shrugged. She drifted off the sleep. Mickey was ranting when he looked down and realized she passed out. He got up and got a blanket to cover her.

Later when she woke up, Ian ran her a warm bath with epsom salt. They ate tacos for dinner, since it was a comfort food of Felicity's. Mickey also gave Felicity some medicine to help her pain when she was close to crying.

"Would you? Never mind."

"What is it, Fliss?"

"Lay down with me for a sec?"

Mickey crawled his way into Felicity's bed as she scooted over. She laid down on his chest.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For you and Ian being the best dads ever."

"No problem, kiddo."

Felicity fell asleep a few minutes later and Mickey definitely did not cry his eyes out. When he got up, he hugged Ian and kissed him.

"What was that for?"

"Because I love you and we just got called the best dads ever."

Ian immediately returned Mickey's kiss.

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