Christmas Lights and Guess Who's Coming For Christmas?

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December came and Felicity couldn't be more excited. She loved the Christmas season. Christmas was a time of peppermint mochas, fuzzy sweaters, Christmas songs, cookies, and Christmas decorations. 

Mickey was working on a surprise for Ian. He, of course, bought gifts for all his kids and Ian, but he had been working on something for a few months.

Mickey would leave a few times a week to take an EMT class. He was doing EMT training class to obtain his EMT license that he would achieve by Christmas if he passed.

He didn't really want to be an EMT. It was a requirement he needed for his job. He wanted to become a firefighter. 

The test was coming up and so he spent his nights studying. He studied until four a.m. and woke up later.

Ian was currently loving his job at Firehouse 51. Sylvie was his best friend and he found himself really liking Gallo, Ritter, and Severide. He also found himself admiring Hermann. He was really fatherly and looked out for Ian and everybody there.

Ian was pulling in the driveway one day to find Felicity on the roof.

"Felicity Winifred Milkovich-Gallagher!"

Felicity froze and turned around from where she stood on the roof.

"What are you doing up there?!"

"Christmas lights! You should know this by now! I've been doing them for about three years!"

"You need help?!"


"Just be careful!"


Ian checked the mailbox before going inside.

"You are aware that-"

"That our daughter is on the roof? Yes. Yes, I am."

Ian was tossing the letters on the table. Bills. Bills. Another bill. And...that's not a bill. The letter was assigned to all the Milkovich-Gallaghers.

From Shaun. That calmed Ian's nerves down a little. No strange family member that he had to deal with. Yet. He sent this:

Dear Ian, Mickey, and Felicity,

Hi. I probably should've done this over a text or phone call but I honestly like writing letters more. In all the years we've known you (not you, Felicity, I've known you since you were born), we have never been over to your house. We haven't been for any holidays. We just mainly video chatted or you came to us.

We want to change that. Lea and I were wondering (if it's okay with you) if we could come stay with you guys for Christmas. It'll only be for a week, but we really want to see you guys and we haven't in so long.

You can just call us when you've made a decision. No need for a letter back.


Dr. Shaun Murphy

"Hey," Ian tapped his husband. "Read this."

"Okay, Sasquatch."

Mickey picked up the letter and read it himself. Mickey and Ian had gotten to known Shaun and Lea more since they've first met them. Shaun was a little awkward at times but they got used to it. Seeing Shaun made Felicity happy, so they always found a week in their schedule to visit them. It was mainly for smaller holidays, like the Fourth of July or Spring Break. 

"I'll call them," Mickey announced. "Of course they can come. Olli will just have to sleep on top bunk a little longer. You should go ask Olli if it's okay."

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