Pool day

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Maybe it was just the summer but Lip decided to fill up the pool for the kids. He got up at nine in the morning on a Monday and cleaned out the pool. At ten, he put the water hose in to fill it up.

The pool wasn't completely full until the following Tuesday. 

The first person to get in the pool was Felicity. She was lying on a pool float while holding a mason jar glass full of iced lemonade. She stuck a pair of goggles on her head that she could easily slide down in the case a kid tried to flip the pool float.

It wasn't a kid that ended up flipping the pool float. Well, not by himself at least. Carl and Oliver had slipped into the water easily and went under. They held up a thumbs up at each other under the water and flipped the float. Felicity was glad she had put her glass down somewhere.

When Felicity surfaced, Carl had jumped out of the pool and took off running. She splashed Oliver who happily splashed her back. Felicity wasn't too mad; the cold water felt great against her skin. She dunked her head back under the surface to let it run over her.

Felicity didn't get much time to move before Frannie decided it was the perfect time to cannonball in. Debbie came running telling Frannie to "watch out" and Felicity waved her off.

The kids only took a break to eat turkey sandwiches for lunch. They basically gobbled them down in the hurry to jump back into the fun they were having.

Only problem was Yev had to be quarantined because Yev started showing symptoms of Covid. They promised to take him tomorrow.

Lip took the day to read Harry Potter with Yev. He stayed six feet away and kept him company until Yev went to sleep.

He then called Mickey.

"Sup, Asshole."

"Sup, Mick. Um, I've got some bad news."

Lip heard Mickey sigh from the other side of the phone. "What's up?"

"We think Yev might have covid."

"Shit. I'll come get him," Mickey said.

"We're doing a covid test on him tomorrow since they're doing those free tests at the clinic. We'll tell you tomorrow."

"Just..." Mickey paused for a minute to inhale deeply. "Take care of him for me."

"I will. I can let you talk to Yev later but he's asleep right now."

"Good. How are my other rascals?"

Lip looked out the window. "Well, I think Oliver is trying to do a flip into the pool. Him and Fliss were trying to drown each other earlier."

"Ah, good times," Mickey laughed. "Mandy and I used to climb on top of each other and push each other into the deep end."

"I kinda remember that. Didn't you lose most of the time and have to surrender?"

"You know what? This conversation isn't fun anymore."

Lip laughed from the other end of the phone. "How's Ian?"

"The same. I had Med check him out but all they could do was prescribe him something and say to bring him back if the situation gets worse. I listened to his lungs with the stethoscope he keeps on him and his lungs sound pretty rough. Had to give him a breathing treatment and stuff. He's also asleep."

"Has he-"

"I keep the fluids coming. Gatorade and water all the way. He's ate a little bit. Chicken noodle soup for today."

"That's good," there was then a pause. "I'll keep you updated on Yev's state."

"Thanks, Lip. I'll talk to you soon."



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