Exciting News

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"Yev," Mickey whispered as he gently shook him. "Quietly get dressed, buddy. I picked your clothes out for you. Don't wake up Olli."

"Why?" Yev whispered back. "Is he sick?"

"No, he's just staying home today because we have exciting news for him. We're celebrating."

"Are we celebrating later?"

"Yeah, you and Felicity are going to help decorate when you get home from school. The decorations are in the downstairs closet."

"Okay, Dad."

A month had gone by since Felicity's letter and it had been four months since Oliver had come to stay with them. Mickey and Ian had gotten a letter saying they needed to make a decision or Olli was going to go to a different home. Ian and Mickey had already made a decision before that letter. There was no way they were letting that kid go.

Mickey got up Felicity.

"Hey," Mickey woke her up, "I need you to decorate the house once you and Yev get home from school. It's a big day."

"What's the day for?"

"We're celebrating something but we'll call you and tell you once you get out of school at three."


The Milkovich-Gallaghers have learned since Oliver had come to stay that he suffers from nightmares, but can sleep through anything. So, even though Mickey was quiet, it wasn't a necessary thing because Olli could sleep through a thunderstorm and he has.

Oliver woke up by himself at roughly ten in the morning. He stretched and then freaked out because he was supposed to have school. He rushed to the bathroom first and then went down the stairs.

Mickey was scrolling through his phone, occasionally showing Ian a funny meme or video while Ian lazily surfed through the television channels. Both were dressed in presentable clothing. Mickey was wearing a striped black and navy blue shirt with a pair of jeans and fuzzy socks. Ian was wearing a plain red t-shirt with a pair of khakis. Ian was barefoot and constantly sticking his feet underneath Mickey's butt to warm them.

"I'm late."

"We're actually keeping you home from school today, Blue-Eyed Prince," Mickey told him. "We're taking you out for the day."

"What for?" asked Oliver, tilting his head to the side.

"We're celebrating, but it's a surprise. You get to choose where you get to go today."

"But, it's not my birthday."

"We know," Ian told him, "but it's still a special day. Any idea where you want to go. We can go anywhere you like and any amount of places. Do not worry about the cost."

"Um." Oliver sat on the couch next to them. "Can we go to the book store? Books-A..."


"Yes!" Oliver giggled. "They have Funko Pops, and-and blankets. And cups and all sorts of games. I really really want the Heroes of Olympus book series, though. Felicity doesn't have it yet and I heard it's really good."

Mickey and Ian smiled brightly at him. "Anything else?"

"Olive Garden for lunch, please. If possible. I love the breadsticks."

Mickey gasped. "ME TOO! I told you, Carrot Top! The breadsticks are amazing!"

"Maybe the Field Museum if there's time. They have a real-life T-Rex fossil! The whole skeleton!"

Ian and Mickey loved how Oliver's eyes lit up with excitement. "You might want to get dressed, Sweet Tooth. We have a big day."

Oliver ran up the stairs, taking two at a time. He quickly threw on a pair of pants and a t-rex shirt with his t-rex socks. He brushed his hair out because it was getting a little long. His naturally blond hair was slowly creeping it's way out, but Oliver didn't find the need to dye it again. He'd keep the strand of blue, but here, he felt like he didn't need to change himself. He didn't need to impress anybody or deem himself ugly so no one would bother him. He...liked it here and he didn't want to leave.

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