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*Disclaimer: I've never testified a day in my life and I have no idea how courtrooms are. I hope this chapter is good, though.*

"Do you swear that the evidence you shall give to the court in this matter shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

"I swear," Mickey swore.

"State your name and relation to the defendant."

"My name is Mikhailo Milkovich and I am Amanda Milkovich's older brother."

Mickey had been bored out of his mind for the past few hours. Both lawyers had to do their opening statements are confirm the legitimate-ness of the jury. Both took forever but at least he was the first witness.

"What is your relation to the accused?"

"I am Terrance Milkovich's son."

He fidgeted in his seat.

"How would you describe Terrance Milkovich?"

Mickey had to come up with something that wasn't bitch ass motherfucker. It was taking a lot of brain power.

"Terrance Milkovich is a cruel man who exploited his own kids for his own gain."

Mandy smiled at him. She gave him a little thumbs-up and he calmed down a bit. He found Ian in the crowd and looked to him. He mouthed, "You're doing great." Mickey took a deep breath and relaxed a little bit.

"What events in your life led you to hate Terrance Milkovich?"

"Objection!" Terry's lawyer yelled. "Leading!"

"I'll rephrase," Mandy's lawyer said. "Were there any events in your life that defined your relationship with Terrance Milkovich?"


"Can you tell the court these experiences?"

Mickey took a deep breath. "My father used to throw knives at us when we were kids. He used my brothers in drug deals while I stayed home. He raped my sister and he had someone else rape me. He tried to murder me on more than one occasion, just because I was gay."

He heard some jurors gasp.

"No further questions, your honor."

Terry's lawyer walked up and Mickey felt an overwhelming sense of dread.

"Mister Milkovich, you explained to the court room that your father abused you and your sister. Why haven't you told anybody until now?"

"Because no one did anything about it and I was under a victim mentality that I deserved it."

"And did you?"

"Objection!" Mandy's lawyer yelled. "Leading!"


Mickey was very glad that question was overruled. What the fuck was that supposed to mean? "Did you deserve it?" What a load of bullcrap.

"Where were you on the nights Amanda was raped?"

"I was over at my now husband Ian's house," Mickey testified.

"So, can you truly verify Amanda was telling the truth if you weren't there to witness the crime?"

"Yes, I can."

"How so?"

"Because the paternity test matched Terrance Milkovich as the father."

He heard a very quiet "oh shit" from one of the jurors. Terry's lawyer was dumbfounded. Terry got up to start screaming when the judge yelled for order.

"What happened on the day you were raped?"

"I was with my now husband Ian Gallagher. We were...about to engage in sexual relations when my father burst into the room. He had a Russian prostitute rape me against my will as a way to 'make me straight.' It didn't work because now I'm married to a man and I have three kids."


"Already been there. Didn't sit right with me," Mickey said back.

The judge had to call for order in the court again.

"No further questions, your honor."

They had him good. They were going to win.

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