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*Fluff. Lots of fluff.*

"Two, three" was the first thing Mickey heard when he woke up that morning. That was before he was attacked by multiple children plus two adults.

Those adults weren't Ian. He was smiling, watching the disaster take place. Shaun and Leah both jumped on Mickey.

"Wake up!" they all shouted. "It's Christmas!"

Mickey sighed but he wasn't too butt-hurt over it. It was Christmas after all. He leaned over to peck Ian on the lips.

"Ew!" Yev said. "First I had to see Shaun and LeLe kiss and now I have to see you two. Gross! You're gonna get cooties."

Felicity couldn't hold in her laughter anymore and bent over laughing at the scene in front of her.

Ian went to get up and took the kids that were on top of him, and dumped them on Mickey. Mickey did an overdramtic "oof" as Olli fell on him and attacked him with hugs.

"I'm going to go take pictures of your presents," Ian said, grabbing the camera Leah had brought up and left on the dresser. "I'll be right back."

The kids waited in anticipation.

"We can go pee first, right?" Yev asked.

"Yes, child. Just don't go downstairs."

"I won't!"

Yev left the door open to the bedroom as he walked to the bathroom.

"HOLY SHIT!" Ian yelled loudly from downstairs. "THAT'S A LOT OF COAL!"

Oliver laughed and the rest of the older people rolled their eyes. Yev came back to the room and Shaun left to use the bathroom.

"What do you think you got?" Leah asked the kids.

"Hopefully the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid I asked for," Oliver commented.


"A funko pop and a squishmallow," Felicity smiled brightly. "And a snowglobe."

Ian came running up the stairs, almost tripping on his way up. "You guys ready!?"


"Behind me, everybody. Form a train. Except for you Mickey. You get beside me."

They lined up from adults to children. Mickey and Ian were at the front of the line with Leah and Shaun holding hands behind them. Leah was leaning her head on Shaun's arm. Shaun stood ramrod straight. Then came Felicity with Yev on her back and Oliver holding her arm.

Mickey reached for Ian's hand and interlaced his fingers in Ian's. Ian returned the handhold and kissed his husband on his head.


"Born ready."

Ian started walking down the stairs to the living room. When he got to the bottom, Ian, Mickey, Shaun, and Leah all moved out of the way for the kids.

Felicity moved her hands over her mouth. Even though she has been doing Christmas with Ian and Mickey for years, it never ceased to amaze them.

"Holy Guacamole!"

Yev slid off of Felicity's back and ran to his toys. He knew they were his because there was a envelope in front of the toys that read, "Yevgeny." All of the groups of toys were like that. They each had an envelope with the kids' names.

Oliver slowly made his way over to his toys. He sat crisscross applesauce on the ground and picked up his envelope. He then picked up the stack of books next to it.

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