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******************************Two Years Later******************************************


Felicity's heart pounded with excitement as she stood among her fellow graduates. The stage was adorned with flowers and banners congratulating the class.

Felicity walked up to the stage to receive her diploma. Today was the day she would graduate high school. Through all the chaos and the drama, she managed to keep up good grades and a good GPA. And she was already on her way to going to the University of Illinois in Chicago. She was staying with her dads for the first few years of it. She planned on going into forensic psychology with a minor in creative writing.

Back to the graduation though.

Felicity looked into the bleachers to see her dads yelling over everybody and standing and cheering. Her whole family was there: Uncle Lip, Aunt Mandy, Aunt Debbie, Frannie, Aunt Fiona, Liam, Carl, Ian, Mickey, Yev, Olli, V, Kev, the twins, and Phoebe who had graduated the year before. Phoebe was wearing a flowy dress with flowers on it. She was wearing light makeup; mainly just lip gloss, mascara, and blush. Her blonde hair was down and curled. She looked beautiful. What made this whole event even better was the fact that her Uncle Hermmann, who wasn't even related to them, and his family had come to cheer her on. Shaun and Leah were next to them in the stands, having drove all the way to Chicago instead of flying since Leah was pregnant.

Felicity smiled brightly and tried not to cry. Not now. She wasn't ruining her makeup. It took her forever to do.

With a mixture of nerves and exhilaration, she made her way across the stage to receive her diploma. The crowd erupted into applause, and Felicity couldn't help but feel a surge of pride.Felicity shook the guy's hand and took the fake diploma. She would pick up the real one later. She walked back to her seat. She knew Fletcher would come soon after her and Jake has already gotten his. He was many rows ahead of her due to last names and alphabetical order.

When Fletcher did get called up, she snickered a little because Fletcher's middle name was called and she felt the glare from across the stadium. Not her fault his middle name was Fitzgerald. He walked by her row on the way back to his seat and flipped her the middle finger.

When it came to throwing hats in the air, Felicity threw hers high into the air while Fletcher threw his at Felicity like a frisbee. It smacked her in the back of the head and she glared back at him. Didn't last long before they were both laughing like idiots.

She ran and hugged Fletcher. "We did it, Fletch! We're high school graduates."

"I know, I know. Don't get wishy-washy on me."

She then ran and found Jake. He was talking to a few friends but was looking over heads looking for Felicity. He spotted her and excused himself for a moment before Felicity came crashing into his arms. He hugged her tightly to him. 

"We did it!" she yelled. She then whispered, "We did it."

"I know!" Jake said. "I'm scared, to be honest. I mean, holy shit, we're basically adults now."

"Yeah, and didn't you say you were getting a dorm?"

"Yep, with Fletcher," Jake explained. "Yeah, I might be doomed."

"He's going for film. Your whole life will be on video. Along with the fact we all know Fletch is gonna throw parties," Felicity joked.


Felicity made her way to the bleachers to find her family. When she spotted Mickey, he was looking for her and had tear streaks on his cheeks.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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