Chapter 52

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Angry and insatiable Skyler Addams is not good news.

My cheeks still turn red whenever I think about that day. How stupidly I barged into the bathroom when he was still inside. The words he said to me still ring in my head even after it's been a week since then. He is still mad at me for putting that condition. I have decided for six months to get to know him better and clear all doubts I have in my mind about him. I have said I will give myself to him once this is over but only when all my doubts are clear. I want to see how much control he has over himself. I had just put my card forward to see how well he handled it. I'm new to these things and if I want to know if this is going to work or not I have to try it first. If he thinks it's difficult for him and he wants to fulfil his needs in another way with some other woman. Then his actions will be a clear answer for me. 

I still don't know so many things about him. I don't know his parents and his friends. That woman named Mia who he claims is his good friend. I want to know more about her and all the meetings he has been having outside the office without telling me. What was he doing with her that day? This question still gives me a headache. I know he is hiding something from me and I want to know what it is. If he wants to make things work between us then he needs to trust me and tell me everything. Because trust is the key to any realisation. If we can't put the thrust into each other then what's the use of it? I sighed as all the thoughts once again were successful in flooding my mind. I moved my head to take those thoughts away. Now I need to focus on my work. I went back on reading the file. My intercom rang when I was going through an important file. 

"Hazel Smith speaking," I said while putting the receiver between my ear and shoulder as I marked an important point on file. 

"Miss Smith came to my office," he said in his still mad voice saying he cut the call. I kept back the receiver and sighed once again. Now I am a bit used to this kind of call even before I could say anything. Even though he had agreed with me he still wanted to show his disapproval. I took some files I have to give him with me. I knocked on his door and walked in when I heard "come in" in his still mad voice. I opened the door and walked in. He was busy searching for something when I walked towards him. His whole desk was a mess with all the files lying here and there.  

"Why I'm not getting the Miller industry file," he grumbled frustratedly while still searching for it in lower drawers. I walked towards his desk while eyeing the mess he had made for a single file. 

"Here," I said while taking out the file which was lying below the paperweight. He stopped searching for it and looked at me sharply when I offered him the file with a tight lip smile. His jaw clenched as his forest green eyes moved from file to my face. He looked more mad now. 

"Bring me my coffee," he said while pulling the file away from me. He was getting grumpy day by day. Without saying anything I walked out of his office and in ten minutes I brought him his coffee. He didn't look at me when I walked in. He was back to ignoring me.  When will he stop acting like a child? 

"Sir your coffee," I said and was about to keep it on his desk and at the same time he lifted his hand to take it. His hand slapped against the cup making the hot coffee fall on his hand. 

"Shit" he cursed as a hot coffee fell out of the mug and fell straight on the back of his hand, burning it. A gasp left my mouth because everything happened so fast. I almost ran to his side when I saw how his face twitched in pain. 

"Oh God, it's turning redder," I said worriedly while taking his hand in mine. He had a big red burn mark forming on the back of his hand. He yanked his hand away from mine when I was examining it. I tried to take it again but he wouldn't listen. He was again behaving like a stubborn four-year-old. 

"Let me see it," I said worriedly while trying to take his hand. 

"I need to apply some ointment on it or else it will get worse," I said while looking at his hand from afar as he was still trying to take his hand out of my hold. 

"Don't touch me. If I'm not allowed to touch you then you are not allowed to touch me," he mocked, yanking his hand completely out of my hold, making my temper rise because of his stubbornness. 

"Go back to your work. I don't need your help" he said in his mad yet stubborn voice and was about to turn. 

"Skylar, stop behaving like a stubborn kid. If you don't want me to get mad at you let me see it" I warned him while looking straight at him with my glaring eyes. He stopped his movement and looked at me with his wide forest-green eyes. Taking it as my cue I took the glass of water which was kept on his desk and some tissues. I dabbed it in water and wiped his sore skin. His eyes remained fixed on me but I ignored him. Good that he didn't try to yank his hand anymore. He hissed as I put wet tissue on it. It won't work. I need to put it under running water. I dragged him to the bathroom and he followed me without uttering a word. Good for him. I put his hand under the running water of the tap. He hissed again as his skin stung. 

"Just a little bit more," I said softly with a creased face before closing the tap. Taking the ointment from the cabinet. We walked back to his office. Sitting in front of him on the couch I started applying ointment to his hand. I blew on it until I was done treating his burned skin. 

"Sir, please keep sitting here and don't move your hand. I will go and clean your desk" I said while closing the lid of the ointment. I was about to stand up but he stopped me by putting his hand on my arm. I looked at him with furrowed brows. 

"Can you blow on it a little more? It still hurts" he said while showing me his hand. I looked at him in disbelief as he made a puppy face. I sighed with a small nod. I moved forward and blew on his hand. He moved his hand and cupped my face making me look at him with raised eyebrows. But my breath hitched as I found his face only a few inches away from mine. When did he move so close to me? His warm breath fanned my cheeks as his forest-green eyes remained connected with me. 

"Kiss me? I'm sure it will make all pain go away" he said in his soft voice as his thumb made lazy circles on my chin. I could hear the need in his voice making something happen in my stomach. The way he looked at me. The way he talked with me did something to me. Without even complaining I moved my face forward. It felt like I was getting hypnotised by him. Our noses touched and our lips were only an inch away. 

"Sorry we were all at the wrong time" I heard a familiar voice that kicked some sense in me. I moved away from him immediately making his expression turn sour. I averted my eyes from him and looked at Nina and Jane. Both of them were grinning looking at us. It made me stand up from my place with a red face. 

"Excuse me," I said in a small voice while quickly walking towards the door. I closed the door with a thud in bitterness when I heard his complaining voice. 

"I almost made her give in. But both of you ruined It." 

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