part 2

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I felt so weak having to have help to simply stand up. He helped me up the stairs too before handing me to my sister.

"Hey, hey are you okay?" Isabella spoke as she helped me up the stairs. I didn't say anything just wrested my head against her.
She took me to my room and sat me on my bed and grabbed a bag out for me.

"They said to pack enough clothes for a week aswell as 3 different nice dinner outfits and 2 smart outfits also any essentials we need for a week, they'll apparently buy the rest for us. Okay?" She instructed. I nodded my head and slowly stood up while wincing in pain.

Isabella left and went to her room, supposedly to pack her bag aswell. I packed 7 different casual T-shirts. 3 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of sweats, 3 skirts and 2 jumpers. Then I packed 5 dresses. 3 for dinners and 2 for whatever we need to dress smart for then a pair of heels and sandals, I'll wear trainers on the way there. I then packed makeup and hair stuff. Thats all I really needed. I don't have a phone anymore, my dad took it off me and smashed it when I talked back to him a year ago. I had only had it for 2 days and then he smashed it. It was my first phone.

I heard someone clearing their throat at the door frame and turned to look, it was Mr Delgado. Hugos father. "We'll be leaving in ten minutes and flying to New York so it'll be about a 9 hour flight. You likely won't be back in Spain for a while so make sure to say goodbye to anyone you want to." He informed me before walking to my sisters room.

I sat in my bed thinking about anyone I want to say goodbye to but no one came to mind. I wasn't allowed to have friends growing up. The only people I talked to were the maids. But even then I didn't really like them.

I zipped up my bag and put on my shoes before bringing my bag outside my room, that was as far as I could carry it before it started to hurt as it rubbed against my bruises and cuts.

I leant against the bannister, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "You need help?" A familiar voice echoed through my ears. I opened my eyes and saw Hugo stood to the side of me.

"No... no thankyou.. my bags just rubbing so its a bit uncomfortable.. I'm fine.." I stumbled over my words while picking up my bag again and trying to carry it down stairs in a way it wouldn't hurt but there wasn't any way it wouldn't hurt just a way it would hurt less.

I got to the front door and leant against the wall but quickly corrected my posture when my dad hit me round the back of my head.

*Hugos pov*

I stood at the door and watched as Catalina and Isabella stood covered in bruises and their mother continued to scold them.

"We need to leave." I spoke up to try and draw their attention away from the two girls. I opened the front door and held it open for the girls and my dad, I was about to walk out when I hears my name being called and turned back.

"I've taught them very well, but if they misbehave beat them untill they stop crying." Mr Perez spoke with a nod. I looked at him for a moment debating wether to debate it or not. I decided not to so I could get Catalina and Isabella away quicker and just nodded my head once.

I slammed the door behind me as I walked out and over to the car.

It was a shirt drive to the airport but still the girls didn't talk once the whole time. It was just me and my dad talking about buisness the whole time. I wanted to get to know Catalina more but couldn't when she was so quiet.

We got to the airport and got on the private plane within minutes. Isabella and Catalina sat next to eachother in the corner while me and my dad spaced out. They were clearly scared. I don't know how to calm them.

It got to about halfway through the flight and I began getting hungry so asked for some food. I looked towards the girls once again, "do you want anything to eat or drink? We have anything you could want." I offered.

"No thankyou sir." Isabella responded, "you don't have to call me sir, call me Hugo." I responded hoping they'd feel safer. "How about you Catalina? You hungry?" I asked. She didn't say anything.

"You are allowed to talk you know?" I stood up and walked over to where they were sitting and sat opposite them.

"Am I allowed anything?" She spoke quietly. "Anything." I repeated. "Even cake?" Her smile grew. I let out a small laugh, "Yes, even cake."

She looked towards her sister almost for comfort, "do you want some? I'll get the chef to make some for you both." I offered and they both nodded their head.

I stood up and walked into the kitchen of the plane. "Have we got any cake? The girls want some." I asked whole looking round at everyone. The chef opened a cupboard and pulled out a muffin tin, "We have muffins?"

"Good enough, bring it out to them." I spoke before walking out.
I saw the girls were both whispering but stopped as soon as they saw me. "Its okay. Your allowed to talk. I'm not your parents. I'm nothing like them."
I reassured while sitting back down in my seat.

After a few moments Catalina walked over and awkwardly hovered around me.

"You okay?" I asked while pushing down my computer screen. "Am I allowed to sit down?.." she played with her hands nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"Your allowed to sit anywhere you want princesa, you don't have to ask." I flashed a smile as I watched her sit down and look down at her lap, I followed her eyes and saw her stroking over a wound from what I assume to be earlier.

"Does it hurt?" I asked, her head shot up and looked at me, "a bit.. I'm used to it though.. I've had worse.." she explained while looking back down as if she was ashamed.

"Lola, get the first aid kit." I called out to our Air hostess. A few seconds later I was handed the first aid kit and opened it.

"Are you allergic to any pain killers?" I asked while looking through the box. "I don't know.." she mumbled once again looking down at her lap. "You don't know?.. okay well we'll wait for the pain killers untill we're in new York just to be safe then, let's make sure they don't get infected." I stated while getting up and kneeling down next to her.

"This might sting but it'll stop it from getting worse." I warned while putting anti-septic on it, she let out a small hiss and I felt her grip onto my shoulder, I looked up at her to make sure she was okay and immediately she took her hand off me, "sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't meant to!" She began apologising profusely.

"Hey, it's fine. Look here you go." I moved her arm back onto my shoulder and felt her squeeze it as I continued to deinfect all the deep wounds.

"There, all done. Let's just bandage the worst couple up." I talked her through it as I reached back into the box and began bandaging all them up.

I finnished cleaning her up and glanced towards Isabella, "do you have any bad cuts?" I asked while slowly standing up.

"No.. not really.." she mumbled but I noticed she was rubbing her arm alot. "What about your arm? You keep rubbing it.." I questioned.

"Oh.. its just a bruise..." she explained while sitting further back on her seat. "Do you want some ice for it?" I offered but she shook her head.

Within a couple hours both the girls had fallen asleep in the corner. I think they felt safer in the corner. I don't know why but they must do because apart from when I was helping catalina with her injuries they have spent the whole time there.

It's currently 2am in New York and we're about half an hour away from landing meaning I'll have to wake them up soon.

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