Part 7

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*Hugos pov*

"How about this dress? This one's lovely!" I heard the same repetitive, annoying voice talk much louder then everyone else as she showed Cat round the store while I was sat in the lobby after being kicked out for being, 'Inapropriate' all I said was that Cat should simply wear nothing on the wedding day but took it back when I realised that meant that everyone else would see her body.

Its not that big of a deal! It was a joke but this annoying woman who's got an even more annoying voice told me off and now I have to sit in the lobby.

I watched as Cat walked into a changing room and the lady following behind holding what looks like about 7 or 8 different dresses.

To my disappointment Catalina didn't come out to show me even though I know it's bad luck to see the bride in the dress before the wedding. I'm just so desperate to see her again. I've been sat here for half an hour by myself as I told my men to keep an eyes on Cat to make sure she was okay.

Almost an hour later they finnaly came out the dressing room, Catalina smiling like the Cheshire cat. I stood up and took my wallet out from my pocket, opening it and handing her my card.

The annoying lady wrapped it up at the side so I didn't see as she payed with my card. "You happy with your dress as it is? If not I can get someone to make any adjustments that are needed." I spoke while snaking my arms round her waist.

"Alright so we've got dresses, your tux, cakes been ordered and flowers ordered. What else do we need to do?" The girl asked as she looked up at me. "Thats it, everything else is being done for us unless you have a special request for anything." I responded while looking down at her. She shook her head and smiled.

"Great. What time is it? Should we go get some food?" I looked down at my watch and saw it was 3pm, we hadn't eaten since about 9am so we were obviously hungry.

We left the storr and one of the 5 men we brang took the dress to the car as we looked for a restaurant. We soon found one and sat down in a random booth.

I kept looking round as we talked, feeling like we were being watched. "Oh no.." I heard Cat say. I turned to look to her before following her eyes only to see... her parents. They're two weeks early..

"Shit." I scoffed and moved closer to Cat who immediately tried to hide in my chest. They must have seen us looking at them because they got up and began walking over. "Hugo Perez. Lina.." Her Father scowled while glaring at her. I turned to the girl and whispered in her ear, "In 2 minutes excuse yourself. Go to the family bathroom and lock yourself in there."

I stood up so I was face to face with them. "I'm going to ask you to leave once and that's it." I spat while clenching my fists. "We're just here to see how our daughters doing and if she's behaving." Her mother replied with a cock-y smile.

"Which by the you clearly haven't been punishing her for. She's already talked without being asked a question far too many times to count." Her Father spoke with the same smile spread on his face.

"I have 0 plans on ever hurting your daughter. I will never lay a hand on her." I hissed while clenching my fists even harder and my men standing up knowing what's about to happen. I watched Cat walk to the bathroom and lock herself in as the first punch was thrown, I quickly ducked and uppercut his jaw.

Almost immediately my men grabbed onto José, Catalinas dad. They then grabbed onto her mother, not enough to hurt her because she's a women, I try not to hurt women unless absolutely necessary.

"You lay a hand on my family I kill the both of you. I will Make sure of it. Your going to leave. You'll come back for the wedding ceremony and leave immediately after. Your not invited to the reception. Then you will never show your face to catalina unless she wants to. Understand me?" I spat while grabbing onto Josés shirt. He didn't say anything and avoided eye contact.

"UNDERSTAND ME!?" I yelled in his face, not caring about people watching. "Yes.." he mumbled. I nodded at my men telling them to let them go. "Now get out of here."   I scoffed before walking towards the bathroom.

I knocked on the family door and heard Catalinas voice, "Uh..  just a second.." she squeaked. "Catalina it's me. They're gone." I called out. I watched the door unlock and she pulled it open.

Her eyes were red. Makeup was running down her face. She wiped away the few loose tears that were still dripping down her face. What I didn't expect was that seeing her so scared and so upset. Broke me. I'm caring too much for her. I said I wouldn't fall in love. It's too dangerous... but I think I am.

I cleared my throat and stood up straight again. "Let's go home." I grumbled and began walking off. "Hugo?" She called out and I could hear her footsteps catching up with me.

"Hugo please." She cried out as we walked out the restaurant and down the road. I eventually stopped and turned to look at her. She had even more tears flowing down her face.

"Please just hug me." She begged but I just stared at her.

*Catalinas pov*

I was stood on the pavement, I was asking him to hug me. I really need a hug. He hasn't hugged me once since we met.

I was waiting for him to begin walking towards me but he didn't. "You know I can't do that Catalina." He spoke as if he was Dissapointed in himself.

I felt my hear shatter. What's so wrong with me that he refuses to hug me? I looked down at the ground again, not because I didn't want to look at him; because I didn't want him to see me. I was trying to hold back a sob.

I walked past him and began walking towards the car, completely ignoring everyone. I got to the car and the chauffer unlocked it and I slid in. I heard Hugo get in next to me.

"Catalina... please..." he began to speak but gave up when I ignored him and looked out the window. I didn't ask him to threaten my parents. That was his choice. I asked for a hug. That's all I've asked for since I arived.

After a few moments of silence I turned to him, "Whats so wrong with me that you can't possibly hug me when I need it?" I spat. He let out a long breath and shut his eyes for a second before opening them again.

"Nothing is wrong with you. It's me. I can't let someone get that close to me. If I was to hug you I'd fall completely and utterly in love with you. I can't let that happen, people will hold you against me and you'll have to pay for it." He explained while looking straight ahead.

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