part 10

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*Hugos pov*

We pulled up to the hotel and I looked to the side of me only to see Catalina sleeping. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her neck softly, "Mi amor... wake up.." I whispered as she slowly opened her eyes.

She sat up slowly and smiled while looking outside. The eiffel tower was lit up, our hotel had a clear view of it. She turned to me with the same smile spread across her face before pushing her lips onto mine.

"Alright come on let's get our bags." I broke the kiss before getting out the car and opening her door for her. I grabbed our bags from the trunk of the car and placed them on the path. A bell boy immediately walked out and took our bags inside for us.

I walked up to the front desk and checked us in, "your in room 306 Sir. Honeymoon sweet. Eiffel tower view. Enjoy your stay." The receptionist greeted while handing the key card to me.

I grabbed Cat by the waist and pulled her close to me. "This elevator better be fast." I smirked while pushing the button to our floor. We got to our room and our bags were already there. Perfect.

I watched as Cat immediately flopped onto the bed and shut her eyes. "Hold on a second! I believe you owe me something do you not? You made me wait this morning!" I protested while climbing onto the bed next to her.

"I knowww!" She whined while sitting up. "Good. I thought you were about to back out then." I crashed my lips against hers as I pushed her further back on the bed. I leant down to her neck and began sucking on her skin, determined to give her hickeys so people would know she's mine.

"Ow.." she mumbled as I bit down on her skin. "Sorry.." I replied while soothing it with my tongue.
I moved away and admired ny work of art. I'll only do one.. for now. If one of us doesn't come back covered in hickeys the honeymoon wasn't successful.

*Catalinas pov*

I looked at my lower neck in the mirror and chuckled. He had left a dark hickey which will be fun to cover up later. "My turn." I smirked while sitting up and connecting my lips to his neck too. I pulled away after a few moments and smiled, "there. Matching hickeys." I laughed while climbing onto his lap and straddling him.


"How you feeling?" Hugo asked as we lay in the bed out of breath. "Yeah... I'm okay.. you?" I turned to face him. "Better then ever." He replied while stroking my cheek with his thumb. I moved closer and layed on his chest, closing my eyesband falling asleep.

The sun shone through the curtains as ny eyes fluttered open. I realised I was still naked, reminding me of last night. I sat up, clutching the sheets to my body and reached for Hugos top which had been chuckled on the floor with the rest of our clothes.

I threw it round my body as and stood up, walking to Hugos side of the bed. I placed a kiss on his head, waking him up. "Come on let's get up. I'm hungry.." I mumbled before walking to the suitcases. I unzipped mine and took out my outfit for the day. I decided on a shirt-dress. I paired it with ankle boots and the bracelet from the wedding, obviously my rings too. Apart from my purity ring.

I had decided to give that to Hugo just before we left for Paris. I could see his smirk from a mile away. Currently, he was wearing it on a chain round his neck.

I brushed my curls into a bun with 2 front pieces sticking out the front.

(A/n: yes I may have stole one of zendayas iconic outfits from paris)

I looked at Hugo to see what he was wearing and saw him in his idea of a casual outfit was a polo shirt and nice trousers. He let his hair fall to the sides of his face cresting curtains. I smiled and walked over to him and ran ny fingers through his hair as I leant up and kissed him. "I like your hair like that." I watched him smile.

"I like everything about you." He responded making me laugh.
I turned and walked towards the door with the boy closely following behind me, holding onto my waist.

"Alright let's go get some breakfast then we can wander round to see what we want to do." I grinned as we walked out the hotel door and began looking for a place to eat.

We found a café by the eiffel tower and sat down. I ordered a pain au chocolat and a croissant while Hugo ordered French toast.

"So what do you already know you want to do?" Hugo asked as he sipped his coffee. "Well I obviously want to go to the top if the eiffel tower, I want to see the Mona lisa oh and the Luxembourg gardens! They're supposed to be really pretty." I replied witha grin.

"Alright well I want to visit some of the cathedrals and castles so I say we do one a day as we only have 6 full days here before we have to leave for Greece." The boy explained, I nodded my head in agreement before our food arived.

"Bonjour, comment vas-tu?" The waiter spoke while holding our plates. Hugo replied as the waiter put down our plates, "bon merci, et vous?"

"Genial! Tres soleil journée!" The waiter replied before leaving. I couldn't help but giggle a bit. "I didn't know you knew French?" Hugo nodded his head, "it's quite easy to learn."

(A/n: it is not easy to learn I've been learning for 6 years and I know very basic things but I do know how to say what's in my pencil case dunno why anyone would ask me that though)

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