Part 5

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*Catalinas pov*

"I don't care! You do not talk back to me!" My father roared as he pushed me to the floor, his hand landed on my cheek and I let out a cry, My mother handed him a belt and immediately I tried to escape by crawling backwards.

My father gripped onto my keg and pulled me closer. I felt the first strike land on my arm and screamed in pain.

I sat up panting while holding onto my chest. I looked round the room to confirm that I was safe. I the looked at the clock, 4:01am. I felt tears fill my eyes as I got up from bed. I was still wearing Hugos T-shirt to bed instead of my actual pyjamas he brought me.

I walked out into the hallway and immediately felt multiple gaurds glance at me before looking down, which I'm assuming is something Hugo told them to do. I knocked on Hugos door and slowly opened it.

I watched as a shirtless Hugo sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes.
"Cat? What is it? Are you hurt?" He immediately began asking questions as he climbed out of bed and walked over to me.

"I'm scared... I had another nightmare and didn't know what to do..." I explained while fiddling with the hem of the T-shirt. "Do you want to sleep in my room?" His voice spoke as he placed both his hands on my arms.

I nodded my head slowly, too ashamed to look in his eyes. He probably thinks I'm weak. I am. I can't even get through one night without getting scared.

I felt him leading me towards the bed. I layed down and felt him place the duvet over my body before the matress dipped on the other side.

"Your safe." He whispered in my ear as I felt his hand on mine, he gently interlocked them and didn't let go. I fell asleep shortly after knowing that Hugo would protect me.

*Lucias pov*

I had made all the kids breakfast since all of them head a free morning. I decided to make pancakes and waffles. I walked up the stairs and knocked on Marcus's door first since he was closest, "Marcus I've made breakfast go down to the kitchen!" I yelled out before walking towards Isabellas.

I figured that neither of the girls would like to be woken up be yelling and banging on their door because of their parents so I lightly knocked on the door before opening it.

"Good morning, I've made some breakfast for everyone it's all down in the kitchen." I smiled as she let out a yawn and sat up. I shut the door behind me before walking towards Catalinas door.

I knocked softly before opening in it but there was no one in her bed. I walked into the room and checked in the bathroom and wardrobe but she wasn't there either.

Oh no. What if something has happened to her! I ran out of her room in a panic, "Catalina! Where's Catalina!?" I yelled out to the gaurds stood round the floor.

All of them shrugged their shoulders. Useless men! I ran down the stairs calling out her name. At this point Marcus and Isabella were up to and I coukd hear them coming out of her room. I ran back up the stairs and saw then looking into Hugos room and laughing.

"Found her Mama, no need to panic." My eldest son laughed as Isabella and him peered into the room.

I walked over and looked inside myself and couldn't help but chuckle. Hugo and Catalina were both cuddled up in his bed, sleeping like babies.

I chuckled before walking into his room and opening the curtains, letting light in. "Rise and shine sleepy heads." I chuckled as I watched them both wince at the sudden intake of light.

*Catalinas pov*

I was woken up by a sudden burst of light. I winced and tried to hide under the duvet only to realise this wasn't my duvet, I then remembered all that happened last night. I slowly uncovered my face and saw Hugo staring at me with a small smile.

"So why exactly are you two sharing a bed? You have your own rooms for a reason, you aren't married yet. It could ruin  Catalinas image." Lucia began to scold. I shrunk back down in the bed trying to avoid the question.

"Mama, we didn't do anything. She just got scared and I didn't want to just leave her like that besides were getting married in a few months." Hugo began explaining. "And besides isn't it unfair how women have to stay virgins untill their married but boys are pressured into having sex before they're even growing facial hair." He mumbled while getting out the bed and walking round to the side I was on and sitting down at the bottom.

"I don't know, I agree though it is unfair... anyway.. I've made breakfast for all of you so go downstairs." Lucia mumbled before walking out. Once the door was shut I turned to look at Hugo and let out laugh.

"So much for a peaceful morning hey." He joked while standing up and moving the covers off me.

"Are the pyjamas I've bought you not okay?" He asked looking down at my outfit. "No they're fine... your shirt just smells nice, is it okay me wearing it?" I asked while standing up.

"Yeah ofcourse... just didn't expect you to be wearing it this much" he smiled. I like his smile, it seems to be rare around here yet not with me. It's perfect too. I don't know how to explain it but it always seems so genuine when he does smile.

"Thankyou for last night.." I broke the silence as I took a step closer to him and opened my arms to hug him but he quickly stepped back. "I don't like hugs... sorry." He mumbled before quickly leaving the room. Who doesn't like hugs? Weird..

I walked down to the kitchen and sat down with everyone else and ate my breakfast, still confused on what just happened. I thought hugs were a common thing. Maybe they aren't... Isabella and I hug all the time though.

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