part 22

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Sure enough he was back in 10 minutes. With: Tea, crackers, bucket and a change of clothes for me, to be more specific one of his jumpers and some of my shorts.

He signaled for his men to get out and I watched as they all filed out the room before Hugo shut the door. "There you go you can get changed now." He spoke while sitting down on the sofa next to me.

I slipped out of my dress and into the clothes before burying myself in the blankets and leaning against Hugo, "eat some of those crackers you just threw up your last 2 meals." He picked them up and handed them to me.

I slowly took bites out of them as he put on one of my favourite movies to exist, Tangled. I sat happily and watched it untill the doors opened again, "dinner is served, Sir." The chef announced.
I groaned, not wanting to get up and eat at the table like we do every single night.

"We'll eat in here tonight." Hugo spoke as if he could read my mind. I smiled at him as he looked towards me, sharing the smile.

Within a few minutes 2 maids walked in with a tray each, our dinner sat on top. They placed them on the coffee table infront of us. Hugo quickly dismissed the maids before lifting up my tray and placing it infront of me.

My favourite, paella! I smiled and picked up my fork and spoon, immediately digging in. As we both happily ate the front door opened, Lucia, Marcus and my uncle Carlos all walked in looking exhausted. "Hello?" Lucia called out.

"We're In the lounge mamá!" Hugo called out. All 3 of them walked in and sat down on the sofas. "Is she okay?" I asked almost immediately as I put down my spoon and fork.

"She had a huge mental breakdown when they found out our baby died.." Marcus sighed as he rubbed his hands over his face.

"Oh god.. she must be so confused.." my face softened as I put the tray next to me.

"They had to knock her out to get her to stop screaming.." My uncle carrier on, making my heart break. A mother should never have to loose her child. It's horrible.

Everyone sat and just talked about today's events for a while before I got a wave of nausea. I held my hand over my mouth in a poor attempt to hide it.

"Mi amor, you okay?" Hugo asked. I tried to nod it off but stopped halfway to run to the bathroom again. Exsctly like I had just over an hour ago, I leant over the toilet and threw up and within a second Hugo was ny my side, holding back my hair and rubbing my back. This time I overheard his brother talking.

"Is she throwing up? No way is he in there with her! He hates sick doesn't he?" Marcus's voice echoed.

"There you go... let it all out... there we go.." he whispered while placing kisses on my forehead. Once again I slumped against him, exhausted and feeling like the rooms spinning.

"Come on. Let's get you to bed." He whispered as he lifted me up.
He held me in his arms as I buried my face into his chest. "I'm going to fire that chef I swear." He tutted making me laugh.

We reached our room and he kicked it open and placed me on the bed. "Feels weird you doing this and knowing we're not about to have sex." I joked making the boy chuckle. God I love his laugh.

I watched as he walked into the wardrobe and came back out in grey sweats. I smiled as he climbed into bed with me, holding onto my waist.

"I love you Mi alma.." I whispered as I moved as close as I could towards him. "I love you more Mi amor." He responded making me smile.


It's been almost a month. About 3 weeks. The illness hasn't gone away but I've been pretending it has otherwise Hugo would spend lots of unnecessary money on doctors for me. Isabella gets out the hospital today. Almost everytime Ive spoke to her since the... incident.. she's been speaking about her baby. She's still in denial and it's clear.

It's heartbreaking too. Watching my big sister go through so much.
I want to help her but just don't know how. I've never had to comfort someone who's lost a child so I don't know what to say and what not to say.

Oh and to add to it all. I missed my period, it was supposed to come a week ago and it still hasn't. If I'm pregnant it's going to crush Marcus and Isabella so I'm in denial. I refuse to test for now. Untill I know Isabella is okay.

I have to tell Hugo though. That I think I might be pregnant. I mean about a month ago we had sex without any protection. We've done it before but nothing ever happened.

I really don't want to be pregnant right now, Isabella is so out of her head I have no idea how she would take it.

So here I am, standing outside Hugos office. Trying to think through what I'm going to say. How to tell him.

I raised my hand and knocked on the door, I heard his voice on the other side of the door telling me to come in, "Cat I've told you, you don't have to knock - ever." He chuckled while sitting back in his chair.

I didn't say anything and just straddled his lap, playing with his tie. "All of you, out." He ordered his men. Immediately they left the room and it was left the two of us. "Whats on your mind?" He asked while resting his hands on my thighs.

"I think I'm pregnant... I haven't done any tests yet... I don't want to either." I mumbled as he looked at me in confusion, clearly trying to figure out what to say, "why don't you want to test?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Because if its positive then we have to tell everyone, and its unfair on Isabella and Marcus." I explained, now playing with my hands and avoiding eye contact.

"Who says we'd have to tell everyone straight away? We'd be able to hide it for a while would we not?" The boy chuckled making me look at him.

"Lyings bad." I spoke while getting off his lap. "Well yeah but it's for a good reason, to not hurt your sister and my brother. Also if you really didn't want to lie, you could just avoid any questions about it." Hugo suggested making me go quiet as I thought about it.

"Okay... we need to go to the shop then.." I mumbled as he smiled softly at me. I watched as he stood up and grabbed his wallet and keys before taking my hand and dragging me along.

He pulled me into the car garage and unlocked the BMW 4 series, he opened my door for me before
getting in his side and beginning to drive with his hand on ny thigh.

"Would you be happy if your pregnant then?" He asked, breaking the silence. I shrugged my shoulders as I looked at him, "I'm not sure.. I guess.. its just earlier then we had planned.." I sighed.

We pulled up to the shop and got out, walking towards the pharmacy section. We both scanned the shelves for pregnancy tests and I eventually saw them and picked one up. "We are not using the cheap ones, these are better." He grunted while picking up a different pack.

We both walked towards the cash Register and put down the test. "Bit young ain't you?" The cashier scoffed making Hugos head snap up. "Yet your not too young for me to kill you." He spat making me chuckle.

"Chill out, and no for your information I'm not too young. I'm married which says it all." I rolled my eyes at the rude cashier.


"You look I don't want to." I whined while handing the test to my husband as the alarm went off.

I watched as he looked at the results, my stomach eating me from inside out, I was so nervous.

"Well?" I tutted impatiently as he just stared at it, not saying a word. "Your pregnant.." he whispered, clearly still in shock. I felt tears fill my eyes, and for once they were happy tears.

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