Part 4

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It has been a week since I moved into the Delgados house. Since I arived I've been took on 3 dates, the first a dinner date, the second a picnic date and the third a museum tour of art after Hugo discovered how much I love to paint. After the dinner date he took me to a jewellery shop and let me pick out 4 items, I'd get one each month up untill our wedding.

The first being the engagement ring ofcourse which I'm currently wearing. It's gorgeous. It's silver with a cushion shaped diamond, the band has flowers twirling round it which grow into the diamond. It's big but not ridiculously big that it can blind people, still bigger then most peoples though.

(A/n: get your head out the gutter)

The 2nd piece is a bracelet, 3rd piece a matching necklace and finnaly, hugos request was a tiara. He wants me to wear it on our wedding day. He wants me to wear all of them on our wedding day.

We've also been clothes shopping, I've got more clothes then I coukd ever dream of. Beautiful gowns and dresses. Skirts, blouses, cardigans, jeans, blazers. Anything you can think of. Don't even get me started on the amount of shoes and bags. It's also became a running joke about the pyjamas. He's bought me enough to last me a life time and then to fill a homeless shelter.

He also has had me pick out 5 different lingerie, 1 being for our wedding night and the other 4 for our honeymoon.

I'm currently sat on a tree swing in the garden drawing flowers.
It's all I really do. Draw and paint. I mean why not, they've got a beautiful garden to take inspiration from. I was rocking back and forth, my tongue sticking out to the side as I tired to focus.

"Cat? You out here?" I hears Hugo call from round the corner, "I'm on the swing!" I called out as I watched him walking round the corner. "You alright? You've been out her for 4 hours. It's getting cold and dark let's go inside." He reached out for my hand as I pouted.

"Whats up?" He stopped walking and turned to me. "Nothing..." I replied while looking down.

"Your allowed an opinion here. I'm not your parents." He reminded me. It's all he says. He has to keep reminding me he's not going to hurt me.

"I want to stay out here.." out of habit I moved back expecting to be hit but nothing came. "Okay... then let's go get something to sit on and keep us warm and we'll come back out." He took my hand once again and pulled me close to him.

"God your freezing." He moved his hands off my arm and pulled off his jacket, placing it over me. I looked at him partly shocked and partly confused. I didn't dare say anything about it though, in fear of getting hurt or he'll not like me anymore and send me back to my mother and father.

We walked back inside the house and I watched as Hugo bossed people around and in a stern voice almost immediately, "you make us hot drinks to take outside aswell as snacks and you go get blankets. 3 of them. Oh and you, go get a jumper for Catalina." He barked at every person in sight who immediately began scurrying round.

I stood awkwardly, rubbing my arms but immediately loosened up when Isabella walked in, "there you are, Marcus and I are putting on 10 things I hate about you and I've got him to pause it so you can come watch with us!" She exclaimed while skipping over to me. She seems so much happier since we've arived. She's already relaxed unlike me.

I've relaxed but every time I close my eyes I get flashbacks of all the times father beat me. I've had 3 nightmares about it in a week.

I looked between Isabella and Hugo. "Uh... well... I'll watch it another time..." I spoke in an apologetic tone but it was worth it when I watched Hugos face light up, he clearly wasn't expecting me to say no.

"Alright, that's okay." Isabella laughed knowing exactly why I said no to my favourite movie.

Soon enough everyone Hugo had bossed around came back. We were each handed a flash and someone tried to hand me a basket assumingly full of snacks but Hugo immediately snatched in, "you try and get her to hold anything over me again I'll chop of your hand. Got it." He threatened. I was then handed a hoodie making me laugh at how ironic it was.

I put the jumper over my head and smiled at how fluffy it was, I then looked down at it and realised it wasn't mine. It was Hugo's.

"Alex. Carry down the blankets." He ordered a mam who was stood there. Alex was also one of my body gaurds. He's very good at his job. Too good infact. I don't get a moment alone. He stood for 3 and a half hours watching me sketch before I told him to go away for a bit so he went and sat on a bench in the main part of the garden just round the corner.

I like the part I sit in. Its more secluded. It wad a stream going across it and the most gorgeous plants.

Hugo and I walked out to the garden and layed down a blanket to sit on before covering ourselves with the other 2, one wrapped round the each of us.

"I've got a question, why do you like sitting out here so much. Its all I ever find you." Hugo asked while holding himself up with one elbow.

"Because... it's a good place to draw and paint... it's pretty..." I tried to explain.

"But there's a library inside where you can see the whole garden from. And it's warm!" He tried to reason but I just shook my head. "Looks to much like the library at mother and fathers house.. I don't like it.." I looked down at my hands, fiddling with them again.

"Then I'll change it. In 4 months. When the company officially becomes mine on our wedding day, It'll be the first thing I change. When we get back from our honeymoon it'll barely be a library. Infact, I'll change it to a room just for you. Your hobbies room. That's what we'll call it 'Catalinas hobby room' it'll be for your drawing, painting and god knows what else." He offered, I simply smiled.

"Sounds perfect." I locked eyes with him.

"I was thinking about getting you a therapist..." he suddenly blurted out taking me by surprise. "Why?" I asked while sitting back up.

"I hear you waking up in the night from the nightmares... I hear you while your having the nightmares, you sleep talk incase you didn't know." He explained, "I also want to help you forget about all the things they did to you, I want you to be able to feel safe to do whatever you'd like here but your clearly being held back by it." He spoke quietly.

"Oh..." I couldn't say anything to that, it was all true. "I won't force you to... but I just think its a good idea." He sat up too and stared at me.

Neither of us said anything for a moment, we were just enjoying eachothers company. I shivered slightly only now just acknowledging how cold it is.

Hugo clearly noticed me shiver because he opened up his blanket so I could get under. I hesitated for a second but eventually caved in and sat next to him as he wrapped his blanket round my arms, we were so close we were touching which may not seem like a big deal to most but it is for me.

We spent the rest of the night looking at stars and tracing out shapes in the sky. We eventually went inside at 1am and as we passed the living room I saw Isabella fast sleep on top of Marcus, "Hugo.. look.." I smiled while looking at them.

He chuckled and pulled out his phone to take a photo of them before sending it to the both of them. I looked at them for a few moments before turning to look at Hugo only to realise, he had been staring at me the whole time.

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