Part 3

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*Catalinas pov*

I heard someone calling my name and opened my eyes, I saw Hugo stood infront of me. "Catalina.. wake up we've landed... we're in New York." His deep voice grumbled. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window. I looked around for Isabella but didn't see her anywhere.

"She's outside with Marcus, my brother." He spoke as if he could read my mind. I slowly stood up and felt a hand on my waist, I immediately moved out the way.

"Its okay.. its me. I won't hurt you." He reassured me once again while slowly putting his hand back on my waist and leading me out the plane.

I saw Isabella stood next to a man who I'm assuming is Hugos brother. I felt Hugo's hand move from my back to his side as we reached the ground.

"Meet you back at the house?" Hugo looked towards his brother. "Yeah, too late to do anything right now." Marcus replied.

Hugos hand returned on my back and began leading me towards a car while Marcus led my sister to another one.

I didn't say anything untill we arived at the house and I was greeted by a women at the door, "Hello amor, come in! I'm Lucia, Hugo and Marcus's mum. Come in, we have your rooms ready!" She exclaimed.

I looked round the house in awe, it was stunning. They had painted ceilings, chandeliers, flowers, paintings, 2 stair cases both leading to the second floor, an elevator. I couldn't believe it.

"Follow me and I'll show you your rooms!" Lucia grinned and Isabella and I as we followed her up the stairs with the boys following behind us.

"Isabelle this is your room, Marcus is to the left of you and Catalina's room is here. Your next to each other. Then here is Hugos room. Alejandro and I's room is the one opposite Isabelles. Go have a look inside your rooms girl! Boys show them how to work everything." The women instructed them.

I slowly opened the door and it revealed a gorgeous room. It was better then I could have imagined. There was 2 window doors that led out to a balcony, the walls were painted white and the head board was a cream colour with gold accents, the bed had an adorable ditsy pink floral pattern with so many cushions, the wardrobe was a whole room it was so big! I had an ensuite too. It had a huge bath tub and shower aswell as 2 sinks.

"Oh my gosh.." I half whispered as I whispered under my breath but clearly Hugo hears it because he let out a small chuckle.

"Its all yours. Light switch is here, showers pretty simple to work out, left is hot right is cold." The boy spoke. "Do you need anything else or are you set for the night?" He asked as my bag was delivered to the room.

"I'll be fine.. thankyou.." I smiled slightly. The first time I've smiled truely in weeks. "Okay, good night... I'll be next door if you need me." He replied and walked out, shutting the door behind me.

I began taking off my clothes to get ready for bed and grabbed my bag and began looking through it for pyjamas.

I couldn't seem to find them anywhere though, I looked in every part of my bag but couldn't seem to find them anywhere. Oh no. What do I do? I looked round the room for anything I can throw on and saw a silk robe hung on the back of the door with my name embroidered on it.

I walked over and put it on, I opened the door and quickly walked over to Hugos room and knocked on the door, I heard footsteps and soon enough the door opened, "you okay?" He spoke softly just like he did when he helped me from the basement.

"Uhm.. I forgot to pack pyjamas and.. uh... I don't know why but I thought you'd have an idea.. or.. uh.. I don't know.." I sheepishly stumbled over my words and looked down at my hands as I played with them once again.

"You can have some of my clothes... come in for a second.." he spoke with a smile.

*Lucias pov*

I walked up the stairs, ready to go to bed but stopped when I saw Catalina, covered in bruises, walking out her room and towards hugos in just a robe.
I watched as she knocked on his door and said something before looking down at her hands.

I didn't know wether to let myself be known or not but I decided not to and stayed still. I watched as she walked into his room, I quickly ran to mine and peered through the door to watch what was happening.

Within 3 minutes I watched the door open again but this time Catalina walked out with Hugos favourite T-shirt in her hand.

*Catalinas pov*

I walked into his room and looked around as he walked towards his wardrobe and flicked through his clothes before pulling a T-shirt of a hanger. "This should be long enough to cover everything that needs to be covered." His hand brushed over mine as he handed it to me.

"Do you need anything else?" The boy asked while locking eyes with me, I shook my head once again and began walking towards the door.

I opened it and walked out, "Catalina?" I turned to face Hugo.
"Your safe now. I promise." He didn't break eye contact untill I eventually looked away, "I know." I responded before walking into my own room.


I woke up to the sun shining through the windows in my room, I had forgotten to shut the curtains last night. I sat up and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. 7:03am. Might aswell get up..

I stood up and walked into the bathroom, looking at all the bruises and cuts. I looked hideous.. how can anyone want me when I look like this?

I turned on the shower and stripped down before getting in. I scrubbed my body, washing off all the dried blood. I looked better then I did before, cleaner.

I let the water fall down my face, washing off yesterday's makeup before washing my hair. I wrapped a towel round my body and stepped out into my room, picking up the clothes I had selected out.

I finnished doing my makeup before walking downstairs. I looked round and saw the kitchen and talking coming from their. I walked in and sat down, Hugo was talking to someone who I assume is one of the workers while Lucia was talking to Isabella and Marcus. I sat down on a stool and traced drawings on my skin with my finger.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see who it was. Hugo sat next to me and began talking, "Ive booked dinner for us tonight. Even if it's an arranged marriage I want to do it all properly so I'm going to buy you an engagement ring too." He announced.

"Also I've brought you a new phone. My numbers in it already aswell as Isabella's, we got her a phone too. Also I'll assign 2 body gaurds for you at some point today so they'll put their number in your phone too for emergency's." He explained while handing me a phone. I turned it on and scrolled through the apps.

"Thankyou Hugo." I smiled slightly as I scrolled through the apps. "Only thing I ask is that if you get social media make sure your account is private for safety reasons." He spoke while standing up and walking to the fridge. "Now what do you want for breakfast? We usually have a chef but she's ill so won't be in for the next 3 days." He asked while looking in the fridge.

"Oh... uh... I don't know... I've never really ate breakfast.." I mumbled. "Well you do now, its the most important meal of the day." The boy uttered.

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